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BF3- My K/D is stuck at 1.31

Patrick Star
Artimise Flare
Ron Swanson
12 posters

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1BF3- My K/D is stuck at 1.31 Empty BF3- My K/D is stuck at 1.31 2013-01-23, 18:32



Weak man

No matter how good I do It doesnt move!

I had over 500 kills yesterday and averaged a 2.0 KD the whole damn day and I cant even get it to budge to 1.32




Step 1: Buy Premium
Step 2: Reset KD and SPM
Step 3: ????
Step: Profit



I have premium

Your stats reset doesnt reset lifetime stats

Just resets SPM KD Accuracy and Win% on Battlelog



Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson


*runs out of topic*

jk, but its hard to improve stats when you have 11,000 kills. It takes a long time to make a drop in the bucket.



resets kd...I are complaining about kd




I just wish I didnt dig myself in such a hole when I first started BF3 well over a year ago

I had not played on online PC FPS in ages before that

I got my shit pushed in the first 20 hours or so.


After sucking for so long, then improving greatly, I wish they had a stat reset. Wash away the initial ugly.



menacinglemon wrote:resets kd...I are complaining about kd


But it still bugs me

Not bad for playing alone on PC

My KD drops like a rock when I play recon. I suck at it

Im a good shot, but for some reason I always get killed from behind....god damnt. Where are my teamates?



ahh...thats what screws me over in any game that tracks kd...first hours of it.... Blops 2...1.8 kd ...because I used shotguns for the first hours...2k kills with 870 and ksg.

BF3...mines what 1.5 and my win/los is like 2.3 thank god its not bad....but that was from the fist month of playing...getting used to it. And the many breaks I took from it



I suck at COD on PC so bad

Its to smooth....if that makes any sense. It throws me off

My KD is like 1.07



i remember it took me months to bring my KD on BC2 from like 1.4 to 2.0 after i started averaging 2.5/3.0 KD every game.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I average a 2.2 K/D I think and I don't even vehicle whore.

I think it depends on the the maps for the most part, I play conquest exclusively and don't go into the meat grinders that is Rush. Most of the time I at least am able to break even, map knowledge and such is very important.

Not sure what I can say that would help you improve it man, I know it took me a long while to make it to 2.2 coming up from 1.4KD

just keep plugging at it, I'm sure it'll improve so long as you're pulling at least a 1.5 or 2.0 KD



You know how fucking long it's going to take me to reach 4.0?

Last edited by MEGA MILK on 2013-02-14, 11:23; edited 2 times in total



Why does it even matter what your k/d is...

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Bla125 wrote:Why does it even matter what your k/d is...
big dick contest i'm fine with my average 1.0 on PC.



Bla125 wrote:Why does it even matter what your k/d is...

I just want to see improvement.

SPM is much more important in BF anyways



MEGA MILK wrote:You know how fucking long it's going to take me to reach 4.0?

You tank whore you



mine's just 1.62 but I normally do at least like 2.0,I guess it takes forever to average out,but my spm is like 824



Anything over 500 is damn good IMO

Anything over 800 is very very good

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Meh, I guess I just average because I'm only 450-460 something, then again I don't play Rush where it's a high risk high reward thing I guess, and since I don't use vehicles often (Lack of good squad mates to run with) my SPM ultimately suffers.



I never play Rush, like less than 5% of my games are in Rush mode. And I hardly ever use vehicles. You just have to be active, and constantly move to get a high SPM. Its what I do. My KD suffers at times because of my play-style since I got no back up, but it scores me alot of points.

Personally anything over 400 is pretty good. Its really hard to get anything less than 250 or so unless you are just terrible.



Also if you play alot of recon

Recon is a worthless kit most of the time on PC due to the player count

I can score OK with recon, but not nearly as much as I can with other kits.

Do you play alot of Recon? Storm is one of the only people ive known who plays recon primarily and still score stupidly high.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I play recon, but mostly for the DMR role, or I'm rolling with an SMG or something of the sort.

Typically I'm hanging back providing spawn point and recon for my few IRL friends that play with me. If I'm not running Recon I'm usually a medic of some sort or a Support with the RPK or some other magazine fed LMG.



Recon can be fun sometimes

I like to shoot people in the face from 200 meters away

I got a 195 marksman headshot the other night on a full sprinting enemy. Was a thing of beauty. Wish I was recording it soooo bad.

I can do shit like that every now and then, but most of the time im running around trying to find enemies but not get to close to them for obvious reasons. And it results in a long slow game for me, without much action.

But I always play alone soooo

I never see you online anymore haha

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I got burnt out, and my IRL friends stopped playing. Been on hiatus since, may come back eventually, but I've just not had the urge yet. My latest crack cocaine addicting has been running gold matches in ME3.




I get burnt out on it all the time

And I take breaks

Ive been playing it since release and only have like 150 hours into it

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol, I have over 8 days worth of play time xD


Can't even tell you the last time i've played BF3.. Maybe in the summer.

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

For the first month or so that the game was out I barely had a 1.0 k/d. Now its around 1.92. Since last June my k/d is 2.27 and I had a 2 month stretch where it was a little over 3.

This past weekend I had my best sniper kill so far...339 marksman headshot on the chopper pilot(rush on Damavand Peak). We were attacking and the chopper never even made it to the base they were defending.



I've never sniped the pilot out,killed em with the AEK a few times. I shot down a few choppers with the M320 right when the game came out,was awesome haha.

>__> I've been sniped out of a chopper before.Was a crazy game on Davamond. I like that map



I rarely play anything other than Metro now, since the vehicles on xbox are ridiculous. As soon as one team gets a tank or chopper, you're pretty much screwed if you're playing with randoms. I have a really low SPM (some thing like 390 I think?) since I sucked hardcore when I was first playing. Last week or two, I've been playing a lot more and have been putting up KDs of 1.5-3, so I'm getting up there, I just have almost no time in it.



Cool I love sitting up on the bipod in the ticket booth at B and mowing down the braindead enemy team who always keeps coming down the right side Laughing

I let the other medics revive the enemy just so I can kill em again lmao Evil or Very Mad



MEGA MILK wrote:You know how fucking long it's going to take me to reach 4.0?

About 20 days.



As long as I break even, I'm happy. Been playing BC2 a lot, I either do really well (like, 45/20) or really poorly (10/30), but since I've gotten used to the game, I usually score in the top half. Yesterday I was medic-whoring, I got 18/22 and was the MVP by 2000 points.



I average around 1.7 - 2.1 a match in BF3. I think the part that frustrates me most about it is that compared the BC2, I am fucking atrocious at BF3.

old 360 account -
BF3- My K/D is stuck at 1.31 360_AnteEightySeven

current 360 account -
BF3- My K/D is stuck at 1.31 360_AnteEighty7

current PC account -
BF3- My K/D is stuck at 1.31 Ante8787

I really miss steamrolling everyone on BC2. Razz

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Ante wrote:I really miss steamrolling everyone on BC2. Razz

God those were good days huh?

I was so bad at BC2 when I started. It was my first online FPS I ever played so it took me a long while to get my K/D over 1. Towards the end I was posting 2-3 consistently and it made me fall in love with online gaming.



Ante, if you have BC2 on Pc, I'd love to play with you sometime. Tom and I have been playing recently, it's a ton of fun.



Id play BC2 with you guys....



Any time you see me on, I'd always love to play.



I could play today probably. Not doing much . Im off



Alright, cool. I'm gonna eat something, then I'll get online.



It will have to be in a few hours though.

Gotta run down to my job and pick up my check



alright, if I'm on I'll play.

Btw Tom just convinced me to get BF3

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