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Crytek Opens New Austin Studio

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1Crytek Opens New Austin Studio Empty Crytek Opens New Austin Studio 2013-01-28, 17:55

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

Following THQ's demise and the auctioning off of its assets to various parties, Darksider II developer Vigil Games' future looked uncertain, but it looks as though most of the staff from the doomed studio have found a home at Crytek's newly founded studio in Austin, Texas.

Crytek's ninth worldwide studio, Crytek USA is headed up by former GM and co-owner of Vigil Games, David Adams, with a team of "35 experienced developers" consisting of "some of the brightest development talent in the industry."

Apparently a number of these are thought to be former Vigil staff, which has led to the question of whether this is in essence a purchase of Vigil Games by Crytek.

Crytek representative Jens Schafer told Gamasutra that Crytek USA is "more like a new start for [the team at Vigil]," rather than an outright acquisition of the Darksiders dev.

Of course, Vigil's core team isn't Crytek's only THQ-based acquisition, with the developer also snapping up the rights to Homefront 2. This could also mean a light at the end of the tunnel for Vigil's 'Crawler', which had also been in the pipeline before THQ folded. It's uncertain whether the Darksiders series will live on however.

Former THQ boss Jason Rubin expressed his relief at the fresh start for the core Vigil team, stating on Twitter: "Great news for Vigil, at least the core team... Thanks to Crytek for saving as much as they could of a fantastic team."

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