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(Extremeist) Anti gun crowd apparently celebrating the murder of NAVY seal member

The Adli Corporation
Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Okay, be warned, this is horrifically biased and politically charged, but the fact that such people are celebrating the tragic death of one of our servicemen that served with dignity and honor still is absolutely disgusting.

I don't care if you're "Liberal" or "Conservative", you don't spit on the graves of those who put themselves in harms way to protect your freedom.

There are extremes on both ends, and it saddens me that such people that laugh and mock the death of this man even walk on the same planet let alone breath the same air as I. I'll pity their souls if they ever find themselves in the situation where they would call upon men and women like Chris Kyle, because it will likely just moments before they breath their last that they would weep for someone like him to be their to protect them from the evils of this world.

let me make this clear though, I'm not pissed at anyone who claims to be liberal, I'm pissed at the extremists that would cry bloody murder over the deaths of others but scream for the murder and lynching of those who protect their right to spout such hateful poison.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

fuck humanity.

if it wasn't for the shit we'd leave behind (Nuclear Reactors) i'd have no regrets if we all just died overnight. seriously. if i had a button to eradicate all human impact on this planet i would.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

It's a sad world we live in IMO, however there are just as many good people out there, and it's those that actually are good and try to help that give me that tiny of glimmer of hope.

It's when I see crap like this that really gets my blood boiling though. I mean seriously, WTF?



Humans have been holding the dead sacrosanct for millenia

The fact these people dont just proves they are less civilised than people who shat in the same place they ate



You might not be pissed, but the people in the comment section sure are.

And really now, are they actually all liberals? While the page might say they are, you can't trust a biased blog to not make assumptions.

If you look at most of the twitter pages, their grammar is atrocious.

If you had a politician actually saying this, then yes, that would be something to get incensed about.

But for all we know, this could be a bunch of trolls.

24. Skateboarder? Political affiliation is conservative?

"Our nation is in big trouble: first, Barack HUSSEIN Obama is president again. Secondly, John Kerry is now Sec. of State. We're screwed."

I'm not even going to go through that.

Seems to only post sky news stories.

Ok, this one might actually be a liberal.

Foreign, don't care.

Possible liberal.

Mr. Edgey McMetal.


"Terrorists are freedom fighters."

Wonder if maybe earlier tweet was misunderstood? Meant that even in the place with the most guns i.e. at a gun range, people aren't safe

(from someone else)@MichaelMDowling We need more people like you aborted so disrespectful tweets like this don't happen.



While the man died a terrible, sad death, I think calling these people representatives of the anti movement is just silly. They're nothing more than retarded, weak-minded trolls and idiots. Paying attention to them is dishonouring the soldier.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Note I said extremist Pariah, not claiming they make up the bulk of the anti' let alone the liberal political party. I know quite a few folks who claim to be liberal, and most that I know of, while we don't agree on many things are very upstanding and respectful individuals.

I don't hate liberals, the bi-partisan BS that we have is ridiculous. What I hate are the extremes, especially the extremes that give the rest of their party a bad reputation. You can be anti-gun, and I won't hate you for it, but only if you can remain intelligent and give reasonable counters to explain your thought process.

Sym is a good example, while I disagree with him on many things, he takes the time to explain why he believes what he believes, not saying Sym is anti anything, but I think you get my point. It's for this reason I respect Sym a lot, he actually can have a meaningful and civil debate without resorting to name calling and political bigotry.

Even if these people are trolls, it's still disgusting. This is something you don't mock or troll about IMO. They're scum, and it's people like them that give both sides (Liberal, Conservative, Republican, Democrat whatever) let alone the human race a bad rep.



I'm not disagreeing, those people are sickening. I just don't think it's fair to assign them automatically to the "liberal" side.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

It certainly is not, which is why I said this is horrifically politically biased. Which is also why I stated they're an extreme, which is to say they do NOT represent the bulk of (if any) Liberal beliefs.

I have friends from all political parties, and I can agree to disagree with many of them. Most are very intelligent and civil when it comes to discussing/debating their views.

While the article is ridiculously biased, I can recognize that and I can see between the lines, but that doesn't mean that I can't be disgusted by their reactions all the same, both sides in fact, the liberal extreme and the clearly biased articles author.



Artimise Flare wrote:
I have friends from all political parties

First thing I thought reading that was

"Its okay I have a friend thats black" Very Happy

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Frostbyrn wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:
I have friends from all political parties

First thing I thought reading that was

"Its okay I have a friend thats black" Very Happy

That would be "friends from all ethnicity'" Frosty lol, unless you're saying being black is a political party in of itself.



Artimise Flare wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:
I have friends from all political parties

First thing I thought reading that was

"Its okay I have a friend thats black" Very Happy

That would be "friends from all ethnicity'" Frosty lol, unless you're saying being black is a political party in of itself.

Wait Black isnt a party?


Oh yeah thats right the Green party Very Happy

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol, Gary mother fucking oak ftw eh?



I think Pariah is talking about the article and how it blames this all on liberals, not your representation of, art



What. The Westburro Baptist Church are at it again?

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if it was a bunch of their cultists spewing such garbage sadly.



I wish we could gather all these people up. Put them on an island, then see how long the survive without us.



Grey wrote:I wish we could gather all these people up. Put them on an island, then firebomb the fuck out of it.

and yes Duck

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Grey wrote:I wish we could gather all these people up. Put them on an island, then see how long the survive without us.

Naw I know what he's talking about. It's stupid, but I just blocked that portion out to be honest.

Also, yes to Grey I wish I could do that too lol



I think showing any disrespect to a soldier should be a felony, or you should be forced to do "x" years of service for showing such disrespect for a dead soldier.

Last edited by Kitsune on 2013-02-04, 22:16; edited 1 time in total



Kitsune wrote:I think showing any disrespect to a soldier should be a felony, or you should be forced to do "x" years of service for showing such disrespect for a dead soldier.




LOL, yeah, bad typo, thanks



I respect soldiers for their bravery and I respect that they are willing to risk their life for the country.

But I don't agree with the wars and I don't think it's mandatory to think everyone is in debt to them. Like was said in the 70's, hate the war, not the soldiers, and in turn, how can I say I'm particularly grateful to them for doing something I don't agree with?



Kitsune wrote:I think showing any disrespect to a soldier should be a felony

I show disrespect to soldiers all the time

Grey your a pussy

Art suck my Kiwi balls Very Happy



But they're not your soldiers Frost xD


Kitsune wrote:But they're not your soldiers Frost xD

Then imagine i just said the same things.



chunckylover53 wrote:
Kitsune wrote:But they're not your soldiers Frost xD

Then imagine i just said the same things.

I'm pretty sure you directed that at the wring person?


Frostbyrn wrote:
Kitsune wrote:I think showing any disrespect to a soldier should be a felony

I show disrespect to soldiers all the time

Grey your a pussy

Art suck my Kiwi balls Very Happy



Kitsune wrote:But they're not your soldiers Frost xD

Thats different though everyone makes fun of the NZ army Very Happy

Unless my cousin is around since hes in the SAS im sure he could kick my ass Very Happy

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