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Work was actually... Pretty fun today

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For the past two weeks, I have done some Expert Infantry Badge training. More so just shooting. I haven't qualified expert yet, but my shot group is a good 3mm. Just always psych myself out. Will be going to a range tomorrow. But today. We got down to the meat and bone of EIB.

We started at what I though was going to be boring. A SALUTE report. Meaning Size of the forces we see. We have to call it in a Team (1-5 man), a Squad (6-10 man), a Platoon (11-30), and so on. Activity of what they are doing. Location of them based off where they are on a grid from your location and distance. Unit, or Uniform. What the are wearing. Time. Written in a day, month, time, year format. Like right now is 19FEB18152013. And the equipment they have. Like weapons and such.

Next was the 240 Bravo. How to clear it, perform a functions check, load it, fix a jam, and then clear it after shooting.

Then came the ASIP radio. Another one I thought would be tedious and boring. It was very enjoyable.

The Javelin followed. It's way too easy to set that thing up to fire.

We then did some stuff with the Funvees and they're computers. Like send a text message, and send in your location.

The Ma Deuce was next. We learned how to adjust this speed control thing, which I think is resetting it. Hell, I don't know, I just do.

Lastly was call for fire. One of the more fun tasks, and one of the harder ones we have to do. Basically you find a target on a mock roadside with a mountain. Find out it's coordinates on a grid square. Find out where to fire the artillery, using a very simplified equation from the curve of the earth. And try and hit the damn thing. Readjust for miss.



So much Military Lingo Very Happy



Forgot to mention. The coordinates are wrote in an 8 numerical sequence, with horizontal being first, and vertical second. But the area of the map where the grid is, is written first. Looks like this. PV20251900.


Guest got to shoot a Javelin?

Did I read that right?



aren't javelin missiles almost $100k a pop?



No. Got to prepare one for firing. And they're 95k to be more accurate.




Thats still cool though



Grey wrote:No. Got to prepare one for firing. And they're 95k to be more accurate.

Javelin Blueballs Very Happy

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