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This thing

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1This thing Empty This thing 2013-02-27, 12:50



<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This fucking thing woke me up over the summer a few times at about 5am. At first I nearly shit myself ( loud as all fuck since it was a few blocks its a lot further away). Turns out the Germans converted it into a fire alarm (for firemen).... but damn I felt my heart drop when I first woke up to it....after a while it was just noise that no longer bothered me.

2This thing Empty Re: This thing 2013-02-27, 18:40

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

If I woke up to that I'd figure the apocalypse was upon us.

3This thing Empty Re: This thing 2013-02-27, 20:06



Back when I was little, they used to test the siren on top of our local water tower every few weeks. It was strange too, as it would just make one continuous sound instead of "wailing." This went on for a few years and no matter how many times I heard it, it was still unsettling. It hasn't gone off in a long, long time though.

Couldn't find the exact siren, but it sounded a lot like this.

4This thing Empty Re: This thing 2013-02-27, 21:16



They are not fun to all

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