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[BF3] someone add me to the SeC platoon.

Ron Swanson
6 posters

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Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Psshh, you have to qualify son!

We run out recruits through a rigorous testing procedure. We will test your willpower, your focus, your determination. We will also test the limits of your physical and emotional pain thresholds! Hell, by the end of the test you may even find your sexual orientation tested (If soap is doing the tests that day).

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I think ducksaws is in charge of the platoon isn't he? Maybe send him a PM?



i can do it...will do it now

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

the entry requirements are to be better than Terry, we take all comers.



Aparently my password is forgotten...again...god damnit I think origin changes my password all the fucking time



So apparently there are two SeC platoons.



yeah .... the one with 45 is xbox..... one with 3 was something....sooooo yeah I can only help with xbox one

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The Adli Corporation wrote:the entry requirements are to be better than Terry, we take all comers.

we would only have 2-3 members in the sec platoon then >_>

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

menacinglemon wrote:yeah .... the one with 45 is xbox..... one with 3 was something....sooooo yeah I can only help with xbox one

we made 2 at the beginning by accident, and just stuck with one.



the xbox one was pointless. I thought it would be cool to add all of us to it and stuff but there are literally zero features. The only thing you can do is compare your stats to other people in the platoon and even that I don't think really works.



Thanks Tom. I'm in the PC one now.

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