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Civ 5 is pretty great

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1Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-10, 17:11



Ended up playing a multiplayer game with a friend and laughing hysterically, because I ended up renaming all of my cities after southern states/cities because of all the plantations I had, even though I was playing as the Arabs. Then, I just about died laughing because "Atlanta, GA" became the holy city for Islam, oh the irony. xD

2Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-10, 17:41



If you have a load of plantations, always grab Oral Tradition and name your religion Slavery. It's such a perfect mix.

Also, we should start a bigger game again. Tom, Adli, Lemon, Ante, Sym and I all have Civ 5 with the expansions.

3Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-10, 17:44



Remember never trust those shifty Iroquois!

Also so do I pariah you jerk

4Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-10, 17:58

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yup, its un-PC central in Civ.

Lemon named his city FUCKYOUETHIOPIA and i founded nazism in berlin, with the star of david. then lemon renamed amsterdam 'ww3nazisbitchz'.

multiplayer is much more entertaining, just for the banter and impropriety.

5Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-10, 19:51



Reminds me of that time we had a multiplayer Civ and some guy made a city in the middle of the map called Joemomma

We fought over it for the entire game until some prick made a science victory happen

6Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-10, 19:53



Sorry Frost, I forgot you.

Hitlerburg. The Religion of Hitler's Cock...cmon. Godwin's Law is basically torn to shreds.

7Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-10, 20:37



I had islam in Denmark muahaha....euthopia and japan were dicks

8Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-10, 20:54



Start a religion called The Almighty Leader while playing as Korea Very Happy

9Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-10, 22:11



I want to get more into this game but would like to practice against the CPU. They always chumped me army building wise (when I thought I was doing the best I could...)

city states also seem glitchy/finnicky. One turn they like you,the next they don't lol. I just try to ally with as many as I can.....not like they helped me much anyway. I wanted to have a strong defense and stock up on nukes I guess when the time was right,I started off in the stone age and it took forever just to "tech" up to steel swordsman

10Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-10, 22:20



Pick a military Civ?

11Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-10, 23:05



No, pick science civ. Out tech others with defensive minimum units in place.

Unit control for strategical win is possible in CivV unlike IV, so if you got one or two melee with enough ranged, you are solid on defense.

Once you out tech, AIs can't do anything.

12Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-10, 23:58



Economic Civ is pretty good for military as well

Just buy all your units

13Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-11, 00:35



Personally, I try and start as far ahead of the others in Science as possible. Today, I was playing my perfect earth map. It was my egyptian Rocket Artillery and Helicopters against Persian cavalry and cannons.

14Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-11, 00:38



Protip: Dont name your religion pedophilia

Thats how my friend said he got wiped out in an online game Very Happy

15Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-11, 11:41



Whatever you do, just make sure you spread your religion into Vatican City. There's almost nothing funnier than

"Vatican City wants little boys" or "Vatican City wants atheism"

16Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-11, 12:01



Pariah wrote:Whatever you do, just make sure you spread your religion into Vatican City. There's almost nothing funnier than

"Vatican City wants little boys" or "Vatican City wants atheism"

Really on the nose.

"We ain't the boy scouts, we scout boys" is on the nose too....but i think it is appropriate

17Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-11, 14:47

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Pariah wrote:Whatever you do, just make sure you spread your religion into Vatican City. There's almost nothing funnier than

"Vatican City wants little boys" or "Vatican City wants atheism"

the religion of It Hard.

Vatican City wants It Hard.

18Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-12, 18:34



Yeah, there's so much funny shit you can do in that game.

Also, I did get Oral Tradition, to make it even more like the pre Civil War era South. Very Happy

19Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-12, 18:36



Bob, you wanna play a multiplayer game this weekend?

20Civ 5 is pretty great Empty Re: Civ 5 is pretty great 2013-03-12, 19:28



Maybe, idk. I'm still learning the game, and I have to finish the game I was in with another friend.

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