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Depraved, scary shit - "Cyprus government raids private checking and savings accounts as citizens panic "

Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
HydrasBreath ♜
Keyser Söze
11 posters

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Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

The day is coming when the U.S. government will claim it "owns" a portion of all our bank accounts, and it will electronically drain our accounts of money in a grand theft scheme designed to pay off the banksters while decimating private savings.

Don't believe it? That day has already arrived in the European nation of Cyprus, where the government made a secret deal with the IMF to loot private bank accounts of up to 10% of current deposits. Banks went along with the theft, sealing off the funds from account holders. The government now plans to initiate millions of funds transfers as early as Tuesday, draining private accounts of the money the government now claims it owns.

"Restrictions have been imposed to stop people emptying their accounts or moving their money out of the country following the deal with other eurozone finance ministers, under which ordinary citizens' deposits will be directly raided for the first time," reports the Daily Mail.

It continues: "But financial experts said the move -- designed to stop Cyprus crashing out of the euro, potentially destroying the currency -- would send shock waves through the eurozone. If savers in other troubled nations fear their accounts might be next, they could withdraw their money and spark a catastrophic run on the banks."

Sounds like a new world order to me...

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Words can't even describe the amount of fuckery going on here...banks are fucking scum of the earth.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

It's just wring. wring.

wring wring wring.

I could see half the banks here in Greece being burnt down to the ground over night where this to happen here.

Last edited by Shotgun Dismemberment on 2013-03-18, 01:57; edited 1 time in total



Its about revolution time IMO

Id give my life to fix all the fuckery in America right now



John Redcorn wrote:Its about revolution time IMO

Id give my life to fix all the fuckery in America right now

that'd be utterly useless.

On topic, my brain just filled up with fuck just reading this. I'm going to UBS tomorrow, they'll probably stay secure.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Something needs to give on a global level, that's for fucking sure...



I'm just hoping that we can stave off the end of the world as we know it for my generation. After that, my fucks aint given.



This shit is going to hit the fan really quick

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Pariah wrote:I'm just hoping that we can stave off the end of the world as we know it for my generation. After that, my fucks aint given.

Selfish as selfish can be.

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"
-Native American proverb



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
Pariah wrote:I'm just hoping that we can stave off the end of the world as we know it for my generation. After that, my fucks aint given.

Selfish as selfish can be.

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"
-Native American proverb

I agree

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:Something needs to give on a global level, that's for fucking sure...

I don't know how it hasn't already. Everyone has become so complacent...



Its fucking time for a revolution.

Im not even kidding....

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

John Redcorn wrote:Its fucking time for a revolution.

Im not even kidding....

I'm with you man we need to bust out the guillotine again and go french revolution on the fuckers that think they run the world.



The top 100 richest people in the world could end world hunger with ONE years worth of salary

Just think about that one....



I figure something is bound to happen,collapse of money. I wonder how long it can keep up because of inflation,but yet they don't raise people's salaries, i.e. the working poor, a very large part of the workforce. Everybody always cries about the middle class in the news but for a large part of the country they're already at the bottom of the barrel




There is no middle class in America any more

The majority of people in this country are poor

Its not how it was even 50 years ago.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Banks caused this collapse, then Banks take taxpayers money and the funds of their customers to try and thop their world collapsing around them.

newsflash, its not the customers faults, its your fault you dumbasses, fix your own shit or collapse. sensible banks aren't fucked, just the risky idiots that caused this mess.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:The top 100 richest people in the world could end world hunger with ONE years worth of salary

Just think about that one....

True, but they're too busy raiding frozen bank accounts and getting richer.

Also, as far as world hunger goes, here's some food for thought:

A third of the world’s cereal harvest is fed to farm animals; if it were used directly for human consumption it would feed about 3 billion people. Industrial livestock production involves feeding vast quantities of human-edible food to confined animals.

Did you know, that an estimate of 30.000 acres of third world land is used to produce grain for European livestock?

It takes up to 13 pounds of grain to produce just 1 pound of meat, and even fish on fish farms must be fed up to 5 pounds of wild-caught fish to produce 1 pound of farmed fish flesh.

So does animal farming producing or wasting food?

Where do we meat eaters of developed countries fit in all of this?

How much burden of starved men is our own as well?

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The real problem with money in this world is that there is only so much. Since the 1% own so much of it we will never get a chance to get it back because those people at the top aren't willing to lose any.

Think about it, if GE or any other giant corporation started to lose money they would close up shop so fucking fast that everyone who worked there wouldn't have a chance. This is the reason the "trickle down effect" doesn't work. None of the people at the top want their money to "trickle down" they want it to trickle up. And since there is only X amount of money that capitol that they are making has to come from somewhere.


There's no way this would happen in the U.S.



Wow, I can't think of a better way to spark a bank run all over the eurozone. Good thinking Cyprus.



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
Pariah wrote:I'm just hoping that we can stave off the end of the world as we know it for my generation. After that, my fucks aint given.

Selfish as selfish can be.

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"
-Native American proverb

I'm having no children, particularly because of shit like this. I count it as a greater sin to bring in another person to this world, only to give them a sicker and more awful world than I was given. If there isn't a global collapse in my generation, then it'll certainly be in the next one. And I wouldn't want my children to have to experience that.

Therefore, I'm gonna live my life, do what I feel is right, and when my time is done that's it.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Pariah wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
Pariah wrote:I'm just hoping that we can stave off the end of the world as we know it for my generation. After that, my fucks aint given.

Selfish as selfish can be.

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"
-Native American proverb

I'm having no children, particularly because of shit like this. I count it as a greater sin to bring in another person to this world, only to give them a sicker and more awful world than I was given. If there isn't a global collapse in my generation, then it'll certainly be in the next one. And I wouldn't want my children to have to experience that.

Therefore, I'm gonna live my life, do what I feel is right, and when my time is done that's it.

Be careful about making huge decisions like this when your still young. As you get older you may change your mind about your desire to have and raise a child. Nobody can say what the future holds



Hank Hill wrote:

Be careful about making huge decisions like this when your still young. As you get older you may change your mind about your desire to have and raise a child. Nobody can say what the future holds

Oh, I understand that it might change. However, my main thought is "would I want another copy of me running around?". Short answer, no. I'm an awful human being, the less of myselfs on this world the better.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Pariah wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
Pariah wrote:I'm just hoping that we can stave off the end of the world as we know it for my generation. After that, my fucks aint given.

Selfish as selfish can be.

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"
-Native American proverb

I'm having no children, particularly because of shit like this. I count it as a greater sin to bring in another person to this world, only to give them a sicker and more awful world than I was given. If there isn't a global collapse in my generation, then it'll certainly be in the next one. And I wouldn't want my children to have to experience that.

Therefore, I'm gonna live my life, do what I feel is right, and when my time is done that's it.

Acceptable. But whether you, as Pariah, have children or not is beside the point. The world you live in now, still belongs to those that will inhabit it tomorrow, whether they are your blood or not.

I think you're reading the proverb a bit too literally...


You're only 18 Pariah, no 18 year old actually wants children at that age.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

chunckylover53 wrote:There's no way this would happen in the U.S.

I think it could, not only in the US, but any country for that matter.

This sets a very alarming precedent.

If the cleptocracy can get away with this once, what's stopping them from doing it again?

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Duck wrote:Wow, I can't think of a better way to spark a bank run all over the eurozone. Good thinking Cyprus.

A house of cards comes to mind...



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
Acceptable. But whether you, as Pariah, have children or not is beside the point. The world you live in now, still belongs to those that will inhabit it tomorrow, whether they are your blood or not.

I think you're reading the proverb a bit too literally...

I have no wish to see my own suffer a rotting world, that doesn't mean that I'm going to speed up the decline. I hate this as much as you do. My personal hope is that I won't have to see the inevitable end, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna fight it.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Pariah wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
Acceptable. But whether you, as Pariah, have children or not is beside the point. The world you live in now, still belongs to those that will inhabit it tomorrow, whether they are your blood or not.

I think you're reading the proverb a bit too literally...

I have no wish to see my own suffer a rotting world, that doesn't mean that I'm going to speed up the decline. I hate this as much as you do. My personal hope is that I won't have to see the inevitable end, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna fight it.

Don't get me wring, I'm not accusing you of anything.


Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:There's no way this would happen in the U.S.

I think it could, not only in the US, but any country for that matter.

This sets a very alarming precedent.

If the cleptocracy can get away with this once, what's stopping them from doing it again?

I suppose anything is possible but the people of the U.S. wouldn't take it, you'd have people assaulting DC.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

chunckylover53 wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:There's no way this would happen in the U.S.

I think it could, not only in the US, but any country for that matter.

This sets a very alarming precedent.

If the cleptocracy can get away with this once, what's stopping them from doing it again?

I suppose anything is possible but the people of the U.S. wouldn't take it, you'd have people assaulting DC.

So, they do what Nazi Germany did. Take your guns away first.

Seems like that step is already happening. It might be a slow process, but those are usually the kind that go less noticed.

You don't just enslave a man over night in the 21st century, you take away his rights and freedoms in fractions.




If and when the shit does hit the fan, I'm willing to bet that the amount of guns owned by civilians will be less than at the moment.

And don't forget this too:
DHS thinks it needs 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, 7,000+ full-auto assault rifles, and 2,700+ armored assault vehicles, all for use on the streets of America

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

chunckylover53 wrote:the people of the U.S. wouldn't take it

And neither should they, or anyone else for that matter.

This justifies violent rioting and public outcry.



shit like this and all the hidden fees/min. required balance is why I don't even use a bank. Not likely ever to anyway...not like I have anything to even put in the bank to begin with,all my money goes on rent/bills and food and whatever drink like juice,etc. I probably won't ever even be able to afford a vehicle,none the less the required car insurance,then gas,then repairs. The world is in a sad state.

I hardly ever hear about any riots here in the US but alot of times like from Europe,etc. Seem like they care more and have more balls than the citizens here. Or maybe all the fluoride in the water is working to make them complacent lol

on a side note,I wouldn't ever want to bring a kid in this sorry ass world anyway. If a chick ever did get preg they'd just have to get me for child support. I'm not changing diapers.




banks are fucked up, but for later life they're kinda necessary. In the US, it's the credit history that you need to get loans for major shit like homes and cars.

also, since you're 22, you could have gone for the last 4 years with no minimum balance or maintenance on an account. I got my banker to do that for me, it's the student waiver.


remember, this is a country that lives because of revolution and violence. Tell someone that they're losing their money, fists come out. And there will never be a total loss of guns in America, even if the government tries. We have way too many ways to get it, legal and otherwise.

Even in the DHS decides to roll through, the agents probably wouldn't. Same with the idea of the Army being called in, that's just not gonna happen. It might work to get the CIA and other groups to take out small America "terrorist" cells, but if soldiers were to march into the cities with orders to kill regular civilians, you can bet there'd be a lot of deserters there.

finally, America isn't exactly stable outside of our lands. If there were to be another huge civil war, my money would be on someone out there launching whatever they have at us and carving the US to pieces. Russia is a tired cliche, but maybe. Doubt NK would, since they're pitiful, but maybe a few missiles. China as well, they could do it through sheer numbers.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Pariah wrote:China as well, they could do it through sheer numbers.

If China did try to invade I doubt they would ever set foot on the mainland. There numbers mean nothing to us on the other side of the ocean.



The world needs to stop fucking around with trying to balance a fucked up economy that would never even work if it were balanced, and start watching more Star Trek and trying to figure out how the accomplished their infinite food supply.

I really don't see how the whole monetary system isn't going to be fucked eventually.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Pariah wrote:

remember, this is a country that lives because of revolution and violence. Tell someone that they're losing their money, fists come out. And there will never be a total loss of guns in America, even if the government tries. We have way too many ways to get it, legal and otherwise.

First of all, I never stated "total loss of guns". This is unrealistic and frankly, a logistics nightmare. This does not mean that the US (or any country going through the motions of new gun legislation) will always have as many guns as they do now.

Pariah wrote:
Even in the DHS decides to roll through, the agents probably wouldn't. Same with the idea of the Army being called in, that's just not gonna happen. It might work to get the CIA and other groups to take out small America "terrorist" cells, but if soldiers were to march into the cities with orders to kill regular civilians, you can bet there'd be a lot of deserters there.

"A lot of deserters" does not mean that that no one will follow through with orders of the such given. There are always brain-washed baboons that will follow orders either out of a misguided sense of patriotism or just plain stupidity.

No offense, but to say that everyone involved in oppression will suddenly decide not to do it is as naive as believing everything a politician promises during a campaign will come to be.
Unfortunately, some people just don't care about the whole picture.

Let's not forget also two other factors:
-the corrupting power of power itself

Pariah wrote:
finally, America isn't exactly stable outside of our lands. If there were to be another huge civil war, my money would be on someone out there launching whatever they have at us and carving the US to pieces. Russia is a tired cliche, but maybe. Doubt NK would, since they're pitiful, but maybe a few missiles. China as well, they could do it through sheer numbers.

You may be right, but on the other hand, I could easily see the start of a civil war in a country like the USA eventually outbreaking into a global conflict.



I agree, something will need to change VERY soon if that bullshit begins to spread more.

And yeah, currently, the way the world works is: The rich get richer, the poorer get screwed.



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
Pariah wrote:
Even in the DHS decides to roll through, the agents probably wouldn't. Same with the idea of the Army being called in, that's just not gonna happen. It might work to get the CIA and other groups to take out small America "terrorist" cells, but if soldiers were to march into the cities with orders to kill regular civilians, you can bet there'd be a lot of deserters there.

"A lot of deserters" does not mean that that no one will follow through with orders of the such given. There are always brain-washed baboons that will follow orders either out of a misguided sense of patriotism or just plain stupidity.

No offense, but to say that everyone involved in oppression will suddenly decide not to do it is as naive as believing everything a politician promises during a campaign will come to be.
Unfortunately, some people just don't care about the whole picture.

Let's not forget also two other factors:
-the corrupting power of power itself
I made myself unclear, I apologize.

I didn't mean that the oppressors would suddenly realize they were doing wring and give up, that'd be madness. I mean that if the US army were to be called in to attack civilians, the soldiers themselves would disobey orders. The way I'm imagining and seeing it, it's the politicians who would be in power, they'd be the ones organizing the takeover and suppression of free citizens. I think if they called in the military, the soldiers themselves would see what's going on and join the citizens. I find it a lot harder to believe that the america military would turn on it's own people than that it would turn on the politicians.
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:

Pariah wrote:
finally, America isn't exactly stable outside of our lands. If there were to be another huge civil war, my money would be on someone out there launching whatever they have at us and carving the US to pieces. Russia is a tired cliche, but maybe. Doubt NK would, since they're pitiful, but maybe a few missiles. China as well, they could do it through sheer numbers.

You may be right, but on the other hand, I could easily see the start of a civil war in a country like the USA eventually outbreaking into a global conflict.
That's another extremely likely possibility. I'd be willing to bet that Israel would find itself in pretty hot water as it's main ally was suddenly incapable of protecting it.



JrTapia1991 wrote:shit like this and all the hidden fees/min. required balance is why I don't even use a bank. Not likely ever to anyway...not like I have anything to even put in the bank to begin with,all my money goes on rent/bills and food and whatever drink like juice,etc. I probably won't ever even be able to afford a vehicle,none the less the required car insurance,then gas,then repairs. The world is in a sad state.

I hardly ever hear about any riots here in the US but alot of times like from Europe,etc. Seem like they care more and have more balls than the citizens here. Or maybe all the fluoride in the water is working to make them complacent lol

on a side note,I wouldn't ever want to bring a kid in this sorry ass world anyway. If a chick ever did get preg they'd just have to get me for child support. I'm not changing diapers.

Its because America is full of content, blind sheeple

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Pariah wrote:I mean that if the US army were to be called in to attack civilians, the soldiers themselves would disobey orders. The way I'm imagining and seeing it, it's the politicians who would be in power, they'd be the ones organizing the takeover and suppression of free citizens. I think if they called in the military, the soldiers themselves would see what's going on and join the citizens. I find it a lot harder to believe that the america military would turn on it's own people than that it would turn on the politicians.

This is my point, even if some do, not all will.
Some serve orders blindly. Others will fear court marshal (or in war time, possible execution). A few might simply be uneducated and unable to comprehend the treason they commit. You don't need to look hard through history for instances of people following orders against their own.
How do you think dictatorships oppress the people under their regimes? It's not like they call 1-800-HENCHMEN to order a couple of brainless goons from abroad to do their dirty work. They have their own citizens willing to follow orders of whoever is in charge. Fascists.

From there on it could just come down to a civil war between who will follow orders and attack their fellow countrymen (in such a scenario) and who will not.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:
Its because America is full of content, blind sheeple

That's the whole world.



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
Sym wrote:
Its because America is full of content, blind sheeple

That's the whole world.




Soldiers and generals pledge their allegiance to the constitution, not the executive department (I'm assuming that who you think would order some sort of Marshall law or domestic occupation). The military throughout their ranks is made up of ordinary private citizens. Even in countries with totalitarian regimes, like Syria, when the army was called in to cull dissent, vast portions if them deserted, and that was in a short period of time under a much more centralized authority. Honestly I am not scared of the US military occupying this country. The 300,000 soldiers that went into Iraq in 2003 struggled for a decade to keep a relatively small Sunni insurgency at bay. Doing this at home with a splintered military against a much larger population is unrealistic. The US military would have an easier time toppling the Chinese government than installing a ruling military regime. The Military is equipped at fighting other militaries, not controlling their own population, and to be honest, I can't imagine a situation where this would even make sense to do. I dot see who could possibly benefit.

Greg, I don't know what you're talking about in terms of disarming the population. The assault weapons ban faile in congress (actually today) and I don't see it passing anytime soon. The US has one of the highest gun to people ratios in the world. A measure to actually take back guns from people is politically impossible, I hope you understand this.

Right now I'm actually working on a UN simulation in New York on disarmament and non proliferation issues. The United States delegation is adament that any resolution passed does not infringe on (its) private citizens' right to own or posess arms. I think you guys would be surprised at how many other countries agree with this.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

^ the most sensible post ITT

I think all of us are underestimating how hard it would be to put down american citizens with military force. In Montana, it would be impossible. I mean IMPOSSIBLE. Everyone here owns weapons, everyone would resist any sort of attempted occupation, and I can only assume it would be similar in may parts of the country.



Hank Hill wrote:^ the most sensible post ITT

I think all of us are underestimating how hard it would be to put down american citizens with military force. In Montana, it would be impossible. I mean IMPOSSIBLE. Everyone here owns weapons, everyone would resist any sort of attempted occupation, and I can only assume it would be similar in may parts of the country.

read what I read. I've been saying this for a while.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

no-one voted for it.

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