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CBA replication miracle!

Ron Swanson
Green bean Specialist
The Adli Corporation
Keyser Söze
10 posters

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1CBA replication miracle! Empty CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-11, 07:14


Shandong is really Gouhei, final, they joined forces with Guangdong 3-0 lure eliminated the defending champion Beijing Jinyu. It is interesting to Beijing last year, as a dark horse finals and eventually win, his opponent, also in Guangdong, somewhere seems to presage Shandong, like last year's Beijing staged the play Cock * authentic nfl jerseys wholesale * silk counter-attack. In theory, such a possibility, of course, but from the reality of the situation is very difficult. In the lineup, Shandong foreign aid should be the most critical factor in their ability to counter-attack, the semi-finals after Abbas, Jeter, Frohman have their status adjusted to the optimum.

Almighty Abbas at both ends so Jinyu had suffered a lot, especially the first game; Jeter is, as always, told with a sharp attack opponents, he is the best at this stage of foreign aid; third Frohman also finally broke him with 25 points, 13 rebounds, three blocks and four steals Almighty data to prove their own strength. And Shandong, Guangdong significantly in this part of the foreign aid at a disadvantage, * cheap authentic nba jerseys * not only is the number of more in the connotation difficult for Diogu Sloan to Shandong pose a threat. Shandong conquer the world rely on foreign aid, Guangdong has been based team dominated by local players, whether it is a seven-time champions past era or are now, although they have also been known as CBA history best foreign aid, one of Jackson.

This season, with the return of Yi Jianlian, plus national champion Zhu Fangyu, Wang Shipeng, Su Wei, Zhou Peng, the stronger the strength of its local players, the regular season record to explain everything. Shandong Ding Yan Yu-hang, Sui Ran players outbreak, but compared with the Guangdong public national champion simply not in the same horizontal line. Although look bad, Green does not think so, he wants * juicy couture outlet * to Heat Terminator. The process from the competition point of view, the Green side extremely brave performance from the outset to show the determination and confidence to douse Heat, they scored 14 points in the first section, he led the Green Army has been leading the three, the fourth quarter once overtake the Heat, but dogged them again when the game 1 minute 49 seconds beyond the already very close to the target.

Play a decisive role in the final stage of James, 10.5 seconds before the whistle, his Sri Lanka to come forward, and hit a jumper, the Heat 105-103 again beyond the score, the score held until * cheap nfl jerseys * the end. The whole game, James scored 37 points +12 assists +7 rebounds a triple-double, his opponent, James is the arena Terminator told by their actual actions. In addition, the Shandong team to be among the finals, the Happy Brother Gong Xiaobin is the biggest contributor, his "Decade of grinding sword Shandong brought to now the height of a step by step, he tuned the next batch of young people has provoked girders with the impact of the strength of the championship.

Stood in front of him, however, Europe's most famous coach Caesar Yunus, he experienced a lot of big games, NBA Finals can be described as very much at home in front of him, Gong Xiaobin only with the pupils to describe. The finals of this year is still taking a 1-2-2-2 competition system, which has a deep background in Guangdong is very favorable, 12 medal finals experience coupled with seasoned Yunus, are harbingers of Guangdong know how to go respond to this competition. Last year's Beijing Road Marbury, Li Xuelin, this year there is no such a figure in Shandong, who can come forward to become * nfl jerseys wholesale * the key to the most critical time, Jeter, Abbas was good but not the players. Last year's defeat can be described as unforgettable for Guangdong the various predictions before they were generally optimistic on the strength they did was dominant, which makes them somewhat underestimate the enemy, and ultimately lead to very serious consequences. Learn from the experience of last year, Guangdong should not do it again once the error, if this Shandong really hard to.

2CBA replication miracle! Empty Re: CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-11, 07:18



10/10 would read again.


3CBA replication miracle! Empty Re: CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-11, 07:51

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Totally not a bot.

4CBA replication miracle! Empty Re: CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-11, 07:52

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

seems highly legit.

5CBA replication miracle! Empty Re: CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-11, 08:56



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:Totally not a bot.

6CBA replication miracle! Empty Re: CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-11, 08:58

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist


7CBA replication miracle! Empty Re: CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-11, 09:00

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

So I'm guessing "CBA" is Chinese Basketball Association?

8CBA replication miracle! Empty Re: CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-11, 11:44

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

........... why did I just spend 5 mins reading that whole mess lol

9CBA replication miracle! Empty Re: CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-11, 12:09


Fuck yeah Yi Jianlian is back in the game baby!!!

10CBA replication miracle! Empty Re: CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-11, 15:20



What the fuck did I just read? xD

11CBA replication miracle! Empty Re: CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-11, 15:25

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

CBA replication miracle! Tumblr_m4d16entGD1r5jtugo1_500

12CBA replication miracle! Empty Re: CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-11, 16:57



So not clicking those links...

13CBA replication miracle! Empty Re: CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-11, 21:19



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:So I'm guessing "CBA" is Chinese Basketball Association?

Nope. Cock Blocking Asshole.

14CBA replication miracle! Empty Re: CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-12, 05:24

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Oh...must be Chinese thing.

15CBA replication miracle! Empty Re: CBA replication miracle! 2013-04-12, 06:58



I swear I remember awhile back some other bot trying to get us to buy cheese ripoff NFL jerseys lol. I don't get the big deal with em in real life,I would rather get several tshirts instead of a jersey *shrug*

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