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FC3 Blood Dragon

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1FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-01, 19:23






Pretty good fun so far

And just funny as hell

2FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-01, 19:33

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Let me know how long it is once your done Sym. I'm considering buying it just for the hilariousness of it all.

3FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-01, 20:20



why is it called Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon? After watching the trailers and some gameplay, it doesn't seem to do with FC3 at all.

4FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-01, 20:22



Its Farcry in the sense that its huge open world

Nothing else similar to FC3 hahahaha

The blood Dragons are a creature in the game

5FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-01, 20:36



they probably slapped Far Cry 3 on it to help sell more units. that and it uses the same engine.

6FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-01, 20:40



The engine and game play are exactly the same as FC3

Also Red

7FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-01, 20:45

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Pariah wrote:why is it called Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon? After watching the trailers and some gameplay, it doesn't seem to do with FC3 at all.

marketing gimmick really, the engine and gameplay are the same, but it has nothing to do with the story of FC3 and is a standalone.

8FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-01, 20:47



Its pretty much FC3

The mechanics are exactly the same

Literally everything for the most part

Its only 15$ as well, which is a pretty big point.

9FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-02, 16:03

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I ended up buying this. The fucking tutorials were hilarious. Lots of funny 80s style stuff that I have enjoyed in the first hour.

My only complaint is I don't really like the way you move and control your character. SOmething about it seems sluggish and unresponsive.

Otherwise well worth $10

10FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-02, 16:04



Did you play Fc3?

Its pretty much exactly the same except you move faster.

11FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-02, 16:05

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I have never played a Far Cry game before this >_>

12FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-02, 16:07



Ahhh you bastard

13FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-03, 04:38



loving this game. The laser sight is for when you want to shoot the bad guys in the nuts Razz

love the soundtrack

14FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-03, 08:29



<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


15FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-14, 01:13



Took me exactly 7 hours to beat

16FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-14, 11:28

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Yeah I looked last night and after only playing pretty sparingly I am close to maxing everything out in the game.

It was fun though, and I would say it was worth $10 for the lols

17FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-14, 16:37



I spent 15 on it and think it was worth it

18FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-14, 16:42

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The fucking tutorial were hilarious!

those laughs alone were worth $5

19FC3 Blood Dragon  Empty Re: FC3 Blood Dragon 2013-05-14, 16:47



I just loved the old skool feel to everything

Especially the movement speed

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