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So I walk into a gun shop today

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and there on the wall is a Kel-Tec KSG, the shotgun I've been looking for, for months now.

I point at it and say "I'll take it. How much is it?"

The guy laughs and says "It sounds like you don't care how much it even costs, unfortunately it's not for sale"

To which I angrily reply "You've got to be fucking kidding me"

They had it on display for an NRA raffle. Now I'm kind of pissed because a few moments before I thought I was finally walking out with one, instead I have a couple raffle tickets with a 1-in-250 chance to win it.

Still I'm pretty sure I'll win it.
1. I'm just naturally an incredibly lucky person.
2. The drawing happens the day before BF4 comes out which I'm taking as a good omen.
3. I just heard from my friend that owns one. He's back in town again so hopefully I'll shoot it soon. Also a good omen.

The End.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

ooof, that must suck.

is the whole shortage thing still going on? i heard a lot of places are really light on stock.



I imagine that it is, but I haven't shopped for pistol magazines in a few weeks now.
The 19 rounders for my Beretta shot up from $25-$35 each into the hundreds of dollars range. Fucking crazy.

I should check again. The issue with this gun had nothing to do with the run on guns though.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

ahh, so its just that nowhere has one?

that sucks. can you not order one in?



Oh I can order one no problem. The problem is that it was so well received that anywhere that is selling one is asking about twice retail for it. I found one for sale for $2300 when the damn thing was supposed to retail for $700.

Madness. I'm willing to pay 1k for it, but not the usual $1300 to $1800 you find them for.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Metalzoic wrote:Oh I can order one no problem. The problem is that it was so well received that anywhere that is selling one is asking about twice retail for it. I found one for sale for $2300 when the damn thing was supposed to retail for $700.

Madness. I'm willing to pay 1k for it, but not the usual $1300 to $1800 you find them for.

wow, must be hella good for a 200% RRP pricing Razz

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Well, don't forget the panic buying craze shot the prices up for anything that can shoot "boohlehts" up and into the stratosphere.

Prices are coming, down, I suspect within the next couple of months we may start seeing a very friendly market environment for the like new to gently used gun product line.

Check out Gunbroker or other auction sites like that. Better yet, sign up for forums like and go to the forum marketplace and place a "WTB" ad, I'm sure someone would shoot you a deal.

In fact, that's how I got the parts I wanted for my G1 FAL build I'm working on.



Ha! Shoot you a deal!



Ante wrote:Ha! Shoot you a deal!




>___> might as well get a Saiga for that much

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I don't think I'd be willing to pay more than $900 for an AK, the only exception would be for the SBR version (AKS74u "Krink")

That said, things can change of course. Prices right now are still inflated, I'd wait for the market and the manufacturer's to catch up before buying anything.

Just be sure to keep contacting your representatives and blowing up their mailboxes with letters/emails/phone calls etc. urging them not to believe in the BS that the Anti-gun crowd is spewing. There are a lot of senators that we should thank for not voting yay for the anti gun amendments on Bill S.649, which effectively threw Obama as well as the rest of the anti gun crowd into a childish fit.

Stay vigilant, and keep showing support for those that actually are willing to uphold our 2A rights.



JrTapia1991 wrote:>___> might as well get a Saiga for that much

I would much, much rather have a KSG. Hell I'd rather settle for a UTAS than a get Saiga.

Nothing wring with Saiga, they just aren't as badass.



Ill take your good luck and raise my worst ion the world luck



Err.. no thanks buddy.
I do hope your luck turns around for you though!

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