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Sisa: cocaine of the poor

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1Sisa: cocaine of the poor Empty Sisa: cocaine of the poor 2013-05-24, 05:55

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

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2Sisa: cocaine of the poor Empty Re: Sisa: cocaine of the poor 2013-05-24, 10:46

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I have never heard of this before. I may have to try to watch the videos after work.

3Sisa: cocaine of the poor Empty Re: Sisa: cocaine of the poor 2013-05-24, 11:50



damn man seems fucked up there. Alot of bad drug users here in my area too,I read about a meth bust pretty much every day

4Sisa: cocaine of the poor Empty Re: Sisa: cocaine of the poor 2013-05-24, 18:25



Just watched it, that shit looks pretty crazy. Meth plus some battery fluid... sounds like a plan.

That footage of the ground around the library was totally fucked. I've seen less used needles in a hospital.

And it's fucked up how they just take all the homeless and move them around instead of trying to actually address the problem.

5Sisa: cocaine of the poor Empty Re: Sisa: cocaine of the poor 2013-05-24, 20:13



Think Ill pass on this.....

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