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Dragons Dogma

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1Dragons Dogma Empty Dragons Dogma 2013-05-30, 13:39



So, Grey made me get this. And I finally put it in after, uh, weeks of owning it. And I haven't really stopped playing it. Especially since he's off playing army and I have nothing better to do.

Its freaking awesome. Like Skyrim met Assassins Creed met Baldur's Gate met Dragon Age 2 (combat system) and they all had an orgy love baby.

However, I was level 40 with all my skills maxed out before I realized I could change vocations. Or enhance my army and weapons lol. They don't make it very obvious damnit!

And I only just got rid of Rook, because I got horribly attached to him, but he was just... dying... always. I still miss him. Picked up Kylar Stern, mainly because of the name. Those books are good shit.

So, sheep went with a Strider, with a Fighter as my main pawn. I'm now doing Ranger (its meh so far) with plans to try Assassin and Mystic Archer too (I think that's the name) if I can. And I went Warrior with my Fighter. Kind of meh on that as well. Plus I hired a Mage pawn. And now another Strider pawn.

Took me like an hour to kill that damn drake in Devilswamp place at level... 38-39? But I did it! I think without enhanced anything lol.

Also... Any tips on getting my fighter pawn to go after shit more often? Sometimes he just stands there and picks his nose. Or if I'm pinned down, he goes after another target. Its weird. The knowledge chairs on give me like one question for him to be. A pioneer for a protector. Why can't I have both?!

2Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-30, 14:58



Buy the inclination change items from the Rift vendor.
Scather or Challenger should work.

Guardian doesn't do jack, I'm afraid.

Also Utilitarian if you want them to use skills (ie: your fighter has Shield Drum etc).

3Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-30, 15:51



still never played it...probably get it on ps3 since it's console exclusive,the "goty" version came out not long ago with all dlc and expansion

4Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-30, 16:55



Always wanted to play this

But you know....Capcom

5Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-30, 17:16



heard nothing of a pc port either

6Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-30, 17:18



JrTapia1991 wrote:heard nothing of a pc port either

I cant bring myself to dig up my PS3 again just to play this

7Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-30, 17:46



Rangers are more bow centric than Striders, Assassins can use both swords and daggers, as well as a shield or bow. Magic Archers quite fun due to their bow skills.

8Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-31, 19:05



Yeah, now that I've gained some ranks and skills in Ranger... I feel sorta bad. Everybody dies when I fire 10 arrows at them at once.

And whats the issue with Capcom?

Also... Rift vendor? Is... what where? Because my pawn is pissing me off now. He wants to hang out and throw stuff at enemies since I'm using my bow a lot currently. Its ridiculous. Not that I need him. I kill everything by myself rawr!

9Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-31, 19:50



Capcom has a history of being pants on head retarded.

Also, the rift vendor is the old guy at the Encampment that you fought the hydra at. He's around the riftstone area.

10Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-31, 20:30



MH wrote:Capcom has a history of being pants on head retarded.

Also, the rift vendor is the old guy at the Encampment that you fought the hydra at. He's around the riftstone area.

Very Happy

11Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-31, 23:31



Oooh. Well. I don't do well paying attention to who makes games lol. Its good though, Capcom aside. Except for the weird mouth not moving with speech thing. Thats kinda funny though.

Thanks Rem. I thought you were Milk at first, what with the M name and the boobs jumping out.

12Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-31, 23:32



I really did want to play this, but you .....Capcom AND console exclusive. Like I said I would be more inclined if my PS3 was still hooked up

Looks really neat though

13Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-31, 23:35



It is pretty neat. You're soooo missing out. I don't know how well it would transition over to PC. But if I have to use more than 2 buttons and my mouse I get upset, so [shrugs]

14Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-31, 23:42



sheep wrote:It is pretty neat. You're soooo missing out. I don't know how well it would transition over to PC. But if I have to use more than 2 buttons and my mouse I get upset, so [shrugs]

Meh I would just use a controller.

15Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-31, 23:43



I'd still use a gamepad if there was a PC version. Largely due to the camera/movement scheme is more for gamepads anyways. As well the skills would sort of be a pain to access.

16Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma 2013-05-31, 23:44



I had one of those. I don't know what I did with it.... huh. I got it to play Drakken on my PC. So glitchy, but, you know, dragon.

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