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Got offered a chance to play guitar for a local death metal band

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There name is Heathen Shrine

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Im thinking of taking it. This is a huge deal for me as these guys are already established and play shows with bands like Nile, Devourment etc.

This would be HUGE if I get in

Should I take them up on the audition ?



Obviously you should turn down the opportunity Very Happy




The only thing Im worried about is the time commitment

Its going to be HUGE

Going to be hard to pull with school and work

But I think if I audition Im one of the two or three guys who have a legit shot at making the band.

Got to learn this song by Wednesday to audition

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Also I will get song writing contributions, which would be a deal breaker if I was just a hired gun.



Really want Greg and Hydras ( Matt Leblanc) opinion on this

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Do it dude. I was meh about the band I joined at first but it's one of the best decisions band/music wise I've ever made. I've only been with them 2 months and we did our first show with more on the way and the music has grown on me and my bandmates are a great bunch of guys.

You have to at least audition. Feel out the situation a bit. If it doesn't work out then split and there shouldn't be any hard feelings. And if it works out then rock the fuck out!

How did this opportunity arise? I'm curious about the story.



HydrasBreath wrote:Do it dude. I was meh about the band I joined at first but it's one of the best decisions band/music wise I've ever made. I've only been with them 2 months and we did our first show with more on the way and the music has grown on me and my bandmates are a great bunch of guys.

You have to at least audition. Feel out the situation a bit. If it doesn't work out then split and there shouldn't be any hard feelings. And if it works out then rock the fuck out!

How did this opportunity arise? I'm curious about the story.

Well Ive known the guys for years. We used to share a studio space when I was with Butchered Fixation. So they have known me for a good while. It seems the current lead guitarist is leaving the band at the end of summer to focus on his family.( he has got twins coming )

And they need a replacement, and I was the first guy they called. I was really flattered as these guys are really big locally, and have played with motherfucking Nile.

Even if I dont make it, its quite the compliment that they thought of me first.

Im gonna at least audition, and then discuss with my wife about the time commitment.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah you'll be wondering "what if" if you don't at least audition and see what happens.



HydrasBreath wrote:Yeah you'll be wondering "what if" if you don't at least audition and see what happens.

Yea I already decided Im gonna do it

Emailed them about 15 minutes ago

I hope it goes well, and we all mesh.

I think I might be a little too lead focused for them though....but well see.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah try and get a feel for the band dynamic and how you'd fit in. Wouldn't want a meltdown down the road because you jumped the gun.



Did you listen to that song i posted of thiers?

What do you think?

I personally like it, alot actually.

But they could use more lead, which I feel I could bring to the group.

So well see how it goes.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah it is a little light on the leads for tech death. I like the song you're auditioning alot though.



Im super excited about this

Havent played in a band since last year ( when mine fell apart ) nor played a show in over 2 years.

If I get in Ill be giggin within a week

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Nice well I wish you the best of luck dude. I know you've got the chops.



Thanks man

Ive got 3 days to learn that song.

They sent me some crude tabs, but gonna have to learn mostly be ear. Which I suck at , so it should be interesting lol.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I hate learning by ear. I can do it ok but I prefer having proper notation. It makes learning so much faster.



Yea Im just not very good at it

Its pretty embarrassing but I cant even tune my guitar by ear

Always use a tuner

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Do it.

Especially if you know the guys, all the more reason if you're already all cool together.

Musically, I can't say I like what I heard, but still a pretty cool deal all around. Especially if you get to contribute as you said.

Plus, you miss the live scene as I have understood, well here you go.

Just do it.



Sym wrote:Its pretty embarrassing but I cant even tune my guitar by ear

Always use a tuner

I dont think there is anything wring with it.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Not many people can truly tune by ear. And from my experience, a lot of people who think they can, really can't.



Fuck it go for it.

They sound pretty good btw

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I can tune by ear as long as I have one reference pitch to go by for one string then I can tune the rest in relation to each other. That's how you're supposed to tune a cello. If you use a tuner you lose major cred and get scoffed at. Tuning fork and then by ear is the only true way... The classical world is really nitpicky and elitist.



Thanks for the words guys

Yea they are probably a little to coreish for you eh Greg?

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:Thanks for the words guys

Yea they are probably a little to coreish for you eh Greg?


Nonetheless, the best of luck to you, man.



If i get in, Ill be attempting to add another dynamic to them.

They need more shredding, and need less screaming vocals lol

Ill see what I can do



I did my audition last

It went really well I think.

Not sure how much I was feeling the jam though.....gonna have to wait and see what their choice is. I think its down to me and this other guy I have never met.

Off to work

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Were you just not feeling the songs or was it the band dynamics? Hope you get the gig... If you want it haha.




Looks like I was the second choice

Thought so during the jam

Dude was feeling the jams more than I was haha

Sucks as I thought this was a shoe in.But its probably for the best as I wasnt really feeling the jam to be honest. These guys got the best guitar player for their band. I was too lead focused for them

Ah well it was a good experience, and am still flattered I was one of ther first choices in the whole city.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Ah that's too bad man but yeah if it wasn't a good fit it's for the best.




I wasnt feeling the constant 4/4 from the drummer either during the jam

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