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Dead Rising 3...

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1Dead Rising 3... Empty Dead Rising 3... 2013-06-15, 14:48



...looks like ass.

Apparently Capcom is trying to "appeal to the COD fanbase" with this one. And theyre going about it by taking out the time limit, the humor, and the cartoonish bits and making it more mature and realistic. Well fuck, there goes all the fun of Dead Rising

2Dead Rising 3... Empty Re: Dead Rising 3... 2013-06-15, 15:26

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

If Nightmare mode is like the original, it should still be good.

3Dead Rising 3... Empty Re: Dead Rising 3... 2013-06-15, 15:49



Well poop. This is another of my most wanted games from E3. That article says the time limit was turned off for the demo though, so maybe it isn't as bad as it sounds.

Well Dead Rising is one of my favorite new series from this gen so I'll continue to hope that this game turns out great. In a perfect world for me, it would have:

-Extreme pressure time-limits.
-Not enough time to do everything, save everyone in a single playthrough.
-1 save slot that auto-saves constantly so you cannot cheat and re-load a save if it is more beneficial.
-Sever punishment for death.


Unfortunately it sounds like they are going the other way. We'll see.

4Dead Rising 3... Empty Re: Dead Rising 3... 2013-06-15, 16:30



I was never a fan of the series

5Dead Rising 3... Empty Re: Dead Rising 3... 2013-06-15, 16:52



In an interview they said that there will be a lot of dark humor in it, they just did not show it off in the Microsoft E3 demo.

6Dead Rising 3... Empty Re: Dead Rising 3... 2013-06-16, 23:02

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Thats what I have been saying Tom. 

The original Dead Rising e3 demo was very simialar to the DR3 one. It showed off what the game was capable of, and how it would work. It was very serious and stuff.  They did show some things like the camera and a little humor, but if I remember corrrectly it was very serious.

7Dead Rising 3... Empty Re: Dead Rising 3... 2013-06-16, 23:25

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

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