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Toms Gold Tags!

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1Toms Gold Tags! Empty Toms Gold Tags! 2010-10-18, 10:11



I have them! HAHA

Played some Saturday night while my sister and wife went shopping (apparantly everything is a hell of a lot more expensive in New York.) I had Kult, Derp, and another friend on my squad and Tominator, and Lead Based Toys where on the other side. Had some great games! First time I have played with Tom, and Lead Based Toys. GOod guys really. Lead Based is damn good I thought! My back is still sore from the chopper road kills HAHA!

TOm was taunting that nobody had his tags. Well Kult got them on Panama Canal, and I got them On Nelson Bay! HAHA Fun times!

I also got Lead Based Toys tags on Atacma Desert Conquest. Shot down his helo using the gun on the wrecked boat. Tom got killed in the helo but toys bailed out back behind the boat by the UAV station. Ran after him and found him for a suprise! HAHA. He did get a good one on me though on Nelson Bay I ran up the stairs on one of the trailers to get a smoke grenade in the face!

Thanks guys it was fun! I was pissed that night as well due to certain family members and you all gave me some great games!

2Toms Gold Tags! Empty Re: Toms Gold Tags! 2010-10-18, 13:39



I actually jumped out of the helo too. Also later I got a guy named snickerdoodles lol.

3Toms Gold Tags! Empty Re: Toms Gold Tags! 2010-10-18, 13:42



HAHA Nice. I've jumped out before and have been roadkilled by the choppa! Oops!

4Toms Gold Tags! Empty Re: Toms Gold Tags! 2010-10-18, 13:53



That happens all the time in hardcore.

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