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Anybody have Starcraft 2?

10 posters

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1Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-26, 01:24



help me get better Very Happy

2Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-26, 01:25



Lets be fair

Stormeye probably does Very Happy

3Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-26, 01:27



I only ever played 2v2,3v3,4v4 every now and then with my friends....but we always did the custom games...all of them

4Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-26, 01:30



Frostbyrn wrote:Stormeye probably does Very Happy

Anybody have Starcraft 2? CE68B7B5C624C9D5C5B4C18CB1402AE3003avi_000116079

How did you know?

5Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-26, 01:31



StormEye wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Stormeye probably does Very Happy

Anybody have Starcraft 2? CE68B7B5C624C9D5C5B4C18CB1402AE3003avi_000116079

How did you know?

I used my 6th Sense

Racism Very Happy

6Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-26, 01:35



I do. I don't play it. I tried to get good at multiplayer but it's like a second job more than a game.

7Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-26, 04:11



I used to.

But I was pretty shit at the technicals, IE the start. Timing is very important, scouting what the enemy has early is real important, figuring out what it is and countering it is important.

Just a bit too tedious even for me.

8Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-26, 17:14



I have it

Not a huge fan

Dont really enjoy it

9Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-26, 18:22



same as sym. haven't played it in well over a year.

10Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-26, 18:27

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Just search for Day 9 in Youtube.

11Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-26, 21:22



Learn Korean, and learn from the best.



12Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-26, 21:37



I have down what the units do,I just suck in the beginning and am way too slow to even beat the medium a.i. computer, also I don't know when to expand lol

13Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-26, 22:11



You expand as soon as you can

14Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-26, 23:39

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

You really should check out Day 9. He goes from newbie tips to advanced shit.

You expand whenever you can, taking into account the enemy. Is the enemy expanding? You can do it, too. Rushing? You'll die. Building tech? Maybe you can, depends on what he's doing. The game boils down to 2 things: Timing and information. Well, and your ability to macro/micro manage.

If it's worth anything, I got to Diamond when the game first started, before Master/GM. I'm pretty bad to be honest, but I at least had plenty of stuff down.

15Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-27, 02:43



I'm just so slow with building order as well and getting stuff out,even when I think I'm doing good,the computer rushes in with 50 guys and chumps me lol.

The build orders are sooo vague I've looked at....I guess I'm just the kind of person that needs to be told exactly how to do stuff,I've always sucked with that being left to my own interpretation,etc >_>

16Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-27, 03:52



That's one of the things. You have to be able to know what vs what, and actually predict it. You can get away with doing your own thing early, but like any other game, not learning counters early on can get you humiliated later.

17Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-27, 12:50

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

You need to know the "times" in this game. How long does it take the enemy to build X building and make Y number of Z. If you know that, have information about your enemy, and time your building to counter that, you win.

18Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-27, 18:07



Yea some pros use fucking stopwatches

19Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-27, 19:29



well, I chumped the easy a.i. ....more than I could do before lol. Made a shitload of zerglings and roaches and just ran in his base

20Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-27, 19:32



Ive beaten the SP on normal mode

Never played a MP game against anybody but my buddy

21Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-27, 19:35



yeah I had no problems in the SP story,haven't played the story in the expansion yet. Heard since the expansion protoss has been over powered but idk. Been watching streams and they're hard as hell to beat if they turtle in their base and mass zealots with shield upgrade,and a shitload of voidrays upgraded lmao

edit, I expanded pretty quick when I beat the I had minerals coming in like crazy I didn't know what to do with lol

22Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-29, 07:01



>_> I've gotten to where I can beat the easy a.i. in about 9 mins, get chumped by the medium a.i. though,they just insta kill my army

23Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-29, 12:12



Damn! I came in here to make racists comments and Frost beat me to it.

24Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-29, 13:36



I can beat the hard or very hard ai with protoss, still can't compete online.

25Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-29, 14:34



I might install it again since I have the CDs but...the updates will still take days

26Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-29, 15:43

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I'm so terrible at starcraft.

27Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-29, 15:54



HydrasBreath wrote:I'm so terrible at starcraft.

 Most of us white folk are

28Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-29, 16:19

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I was pretty fucking terrible at it, too. I began with Brood War, and holy balls I sucked. I'm talking bronze league suck.

Then I played with some dude who handed my ass down to me, and learned. You just need to get rid of bad habits, like building shit you don't really need. Once you have the basics completely down, you get into micro and macro management. I'm pretty decent at macro, but micro not so much. After that,  it starts going down to your multi tasking capabilities, and that shit is just hard. You explore/scout enemy positions/tech/army while building your main base and probably expanding, while also building your military accordingly to counter the enemy, and don't forget to do your tech research. The skill ceiling in RTS games is retarded high because of the needed multi tasking. Couple said multitasking with the timing I mentioned, and holy balls it's a sport for the mind. On the fly decision making, planning, resource management (both economical and military), high eye-hand coordination. All at the same time.

29Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-29, 16:20



Game is too tedious to be any fun to me at high levels

30Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-29, 16:24

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

The computer can fucking school me so yeah...I fucking suck.

31Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-29, 16:33

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

The game is fun for me (Brood War is better Razz), but at high levels it gets stressful.

32Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-29, 16:35

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

The only way I could enjoy myself would be to play with some of you guys in a not so serious game.

33Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-06-29, 16:47

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

2vs2 and 3vs3 matches are quite fun.

34Anybody have Starcraft 2? Empty Re: Anybody have Starcraft 2? 2013-07-01, 01:48



guess what I found out Very Happy

you can download the free version from blizzard,and as long as you're playing with somebody  in a party that has the real game (me) it gives you the whole game.Even the expansion Razz

so whenever anybody wants to download it we can play against the computer,don't think I can beat other people lol. But playing against the computer is still fun to me and practice

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