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[BF4] Which class changes are you looking forward to the most?

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Also, what do you think will be your go to class in BF4?

For me, Spec Ops class (aka Recon) with carbines and C4. As well as belt fed LMG's actually being useful in meta gameplay, as opposed to be completely outclassed in every damn way for the most part.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I hope they made support not terrible this time. Recon with carbines would probably be pretty fun too. Or a DMR.



Probably assault for support like I always run

Im most excited for all the new stuff

- melee weapons
- gun camos
- Multiple grenades
- new game mode



after 1000 hours in BF3 I'm almost equally split between all 4. It will probably be the same in BF4.

I've honestly heard more changes that worry me, than changes that sound good.
I really dislike how they are overlapping the classes and making them less individualized.
Time will tell.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Metalzoic wrote:after 1000 hours in BF3 I'm almost equally split between all 4. It will probably be the same in BF4.

I've honestly heard more changes that worry me, than changes that sound good.
I really dislike how they are overlapping the classes and making them less individualized.
Time will tell.
Less individualized? I assume you're talking about how they've made DMR's and Carbines all kit weapons now right?

I know what you mean there, and I have similar sentiments, however they're mixed. I like it and don't like it at the same time to be honest.



I think DMR's as all-kit is OK. Carbines and BR's I do not, especially now Engi has access to even more rather than being toned back in the rifle department.

I also really dislike Recon and Support sharing gadgets.

Most everything else in the game sounds great. It's really just the watering down of class distinctions that I don't like.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Metalzoic wrote:I think DMR's as all-kit is OK. Carbines and BR's I do not, especially now Engi has access to even more rather than being toned back in the rifle department.

I also really dislike Recon and Support sharing gadgets.

Most everything else in the game sounds great. It's really just the watering down of class distinctions that I don't like.
That's how I felt, I didn't like the idea of Engineers essentially getting the best of both worlds now. Ultimate CQC weapons on top of being able to use carbines?

Meh, not sure what to make of it anymore. Engineers are supposed to be anti armor, not anti...everything IMO

Then again, some people may argue that about the recon kit as well. Precision rifles, and now able to use AR's?

for me, I'll likely be playing Spec-ops and support as my go two classes.



Engies were so over powered on PC when BF3 launched



fucking laser carbine shits

looks like recoil in general is heavier this time around though and heavy barrel has a 50% recoil penalty as opposed to like 15% in BF3

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Remember the laser UMP that could out shoot those carbines back in beta and early post launch? Razz



fuckin laser ump shits

i still remember one match on metro back when i was on 360 greg killed me like 5 times in a row with that fuckin shit. fuck



They also had to nerf the RPG's if Im not mistaken



fuckin laser rpg shits

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yeah, due to the "SMAW and clear" crap that went around. I remember when the FAMAS also had 30 rounds in its magazine instead of 25+1.




I remember when BF3 launched on PC it was like 50% engies, 25 % assault, 20% recon and 5 % support.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

How about the "Awesome realistic Physics engine"?

[BF4] Which class changes are you looking forward to the most? Maxresdefault

[BF4] Which class changes are you looking forward to the most? Bf3-glitch



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