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Update concerning the site

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1Update concerning the site Empty Update concerning the site 2010-10-20, 03:54

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I'm very much considering turning the site into an "off-topic what ever is in the news" type thing.

I figure most of you know as much (or more) about upcoming game related news that's its almost arbitrary, so if I turn it into pretty much what the forums are but information based it will do better and feel more "organic" for lack of a better word.

So in summery, its going to be me voicing my opinion or taking jabs at random shit. While still providing all the new upcoming game news and what not...

Look forward to "Movies with the Wife" a summery of all the chick flicks that the wife makes me watch...brought down to a lvl that guys can understand...or as much as I could understand anyway...

Shoji....your continued awesome help is appreciated, *public bro hug*

2Update concerning the site Empty Re: Update concerning the site 2010-10-20, 04:04



*Bro hugs back*
Yeah that sounds good to me.

3Update concerning the site Empty Re: Update concerning the site 2010-10-20, 19:39



careful when you hug shoj, remember his ways he'el ninja ur clean away

4Update concerning the site Empty Re: Update concerning the site 2010-10-20, 19:44

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Epyk, you know that The Duchess is your favorite movie ever.

5Update concerning the site Empty Re: Update concerning the site 2010-10-20, 20:01

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Did kiera knightly get naked in it?

6Update concerning the site Empty Re: Update concerning the site 2010-10-20, 20:06



Did someone say Kiera Knightly naked?

And I have no problem with the changes you're making.

7Update concerning the site Empty Re: Update concerning the site 2010-10-20, 20:12

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Yeah, that's the one that you said was your favorite movie the wife got cause she was naked through half of it.

Edit: Kiera Knightley, not your wife. Pronouns, pronouns.

8Update concerning the site Empty Re: Update concerning the site 2010-10-20, 20:39



I already ate Grandma.
I already ate, Grandma.

Punctuation, punctuation. Very Happy

So basically the website will be like Epyks version of the man show. Should be fun. Ha!

9Update concerning the site Empty Re: Update concerning the site 2010-10-20, 20:53

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Pretty much I guess, just random news of the day, funny shit I find online, and my very opinionated stance on something or another each day, along with gaming stuff

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