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Played PS4 and Oculus Rift at Eurogamer Expo!

Ars Diaboli
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Ok, so I queued for hours - spent 4 hours at the show, got to spend 15mins actually playing games...the queues were insane, especially to get into the Sony paddock.

Saw a bunch of other stuff on screens though, so got some decent impressions - although basically everything looked similar to what's gone before but super super sharp.

In short, PS4 pad is great, Oculus Rift was sadly disappointing (although it was still a prototype version), and Octodad is fantastic!

If people are interested, I'll post some more thoughts - shout games out if you want comments on anything in particular Smile



i need a full report of the oculus rift

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

More information on the PS4 controller. How much better than the six axis is it? What are the improvements? What are its downsides?

How was Microsoft's stuff?



Yes. More thoughts please. Did they demo any Remote Play?



Ars Diaboli wrote:More information on the PS4 controller. How much better than the six axis is it? What are the improvements? What are its downsides?

How was Microsoft's stuff?



Apologies for the brevity of my initial post - I was at work so couldn't stay long, probably should have thought that through but never mind Laughing 

Oculus Rift:
Ok, I do think this is cool, and definitely worth keeping a check on. The problem is, the current prototype has woeful resolution - as in, it was literally like having an old SDTV about 2" from your eyes. The pixels were massive, and you could even plainly see the black framework around each individual one.

This was immediately disappointing, especially as the video feed above (that everyone was watching as we queued) was at 1080p and looked great. The game we played (there were a few Rifts (Oculii?!) dotted around with different titles, but this had the shortest queue) was Strike Suit Zero, which seemed pretty cool.

That said, the demo dudes commented that it would be running at 1080p by release, so that shouldn't be any issue much longer. As for how it worked, it was cool - the game had us flying a space craft, and being able to free-look around the cockpit was undoubtedly great. Looking up through the top of the canopy to locate a target, before swinging the craft up to bring it to aim was very cool and felt quite natural after only a couple of minutes. I could see in certain games that this would work really well.

Personally, I don't really like having stuff on my face like that (although weight distribution seemed very good, it's still pressed against your face). Also, I instinctively looked down to see the unfamiliar controller (flightstick) and of course just ended up staring at my finely rendered spacedude crotch. Anything needing additional input, getting set up, using the keyboard, grabbing a drink/snack've no choice but to come in and out of the thing - maybe it would even be cool if it had a camera feed so you could switch to that and quickly get things done without having to fuck around as much...?

Small niggles, but I don't have an issue being immersed in front of a big screen and surround sound, and this just seemed like a bit too much of a pisser to see it as much outside of a gimmicky add-on.

I don't want to be too down on it - it worked very smoothly and it is cool - I would still consider purchasing one, or something like it, once the resolution is sorted out - it's just that all the hype suggested mindblowing and game changing, and I was just left with...yeah, it's neat, under certain conditions, ok...not essential. Perhaps my expectations were just off.

I have a special kinda hatred for the DualShock pads, up to and including the PS3s. The DS4 is immediately so much better - and improves on all of the issues I have with the older ones.

Namely, it's bigger, in particular the 'prongs' - it sits far more comfortably in the hand and all the buttons are well placed, it's also weightier in a good way and feels solid and well constructed all round. The sticks are slightly further apart (cause the pad is wider than before) which should mean less 'thumbs meeting in the middle' which always pissed me off before. They're also much tighter and more responsive - easily as good as the 360s, I'd need more time with the pad to say for sure if it was better or not. The triggers also are much improved, with a nice range of movement and lovely springy action. Again, everything was super responsive.

Potential downsides? I didn't get to use the touchpad, so can't say much about that - although it was spongier than I was expecting (which isn't necessarily a criticism). It does have a satisfying 'click' to it after that, though, and you can press down either side or in the middle - whether this means it has multiple 'buttons' to assign, or just one click from anywhere, I don't know. My buddy had a go on Warframe (which actually looked a lot of fun) and got to use swiping motions to activate powers, he said it worked really well (and given the touch responsiveness of the Vita's various surfaces, I don't doubt that).

Other than that, the share and option buttons seemed very flush to the surface, so could be a little tricksy to locate in a pinch, but I guess once you're used to their placement that won't matter. Also, the gap between the casing and the triggers at full-pull looked like a bit of a finger-trap, but I guess you'd have to actively be trying to actually catch anything in there, as it's pretty out of the way during use and didn't cause me any trouble. Incidently, the bumpers are pretty flush too, but this was great as the transition between triggers and bumpers was excellent, simple and smooth.

Face buttons were fine, d-pad seemed great, all pretty standard. Oh, and the light bar didn't reflect off the screen at all (some people on gfaqs have been crying about that) although it wasn't a pitch black room or whatever, but I still don't see that being a problem unless you were right up against the screen.

The pad must have rumbled, but to be honest I didn't notice (probably because I'm so used to having a rumbling pad from the 360, which I use almost daily).

Also, the console is slick - it's been seen that it's pretty small, but what really surprised me was the height of it - I'd say it's about as tall as a Wii, maybe a smidge more.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Great info, I had fears the Oculus Rift thingy would just end up being kinda meh. It really just doesn't seem practical enough to own or play often.



We owned a VR tracking-headset in the mid 90's. And it was exactly what you described pixel/resolution wise.

I'm interested in trying this new one out and comparing, but from everything I've read it certainly hasn't improved as much as you'd think for having 15 extra years for the tech to evolve.



Also, on the sticks, there was like no deadzone which was fantastic. I played a multiplayer Killzone Shadowfall match, and at one point picked up some single shot rifle - looking for a distant headshot on a tiny little enemy forehead, I was able to make tiny adjustments to bring my aim in and scored a couple of peaches from down range. The surfaces of the sticks is also much better - the groove and surface material made them super grippy and I didn't have to readjust at any point.

I didn't get to try out any sixaxis control (although I saw people playing the Playroom demo and it looked accurate enough).

There were Vitas around (Tearaway was playable, but I didn't realise until too late, unfortunately - it looks ace) but remote play wasn't being demoed at all (also a shame).

Killzone Shadowfall...had to stand way too close to the screen for my liking while playing, but it was slick and very, very smooth. Framerate held up no problem at 60fps and the game is very pretty - not as immediately impressive as I had expected, as the art direction has been done before, but then started to notice details little details everywhere - rain hitting your weapon, tight animations (movement and weapon reloads) little details on all the models - not new stuff, per se, but all done really well. The particle effects and lighting were both excellent too. Most importantly, it was fun - handled really nicely, guns were satisfying and the whole thing was tight. Only the one map being played over and over though, so didn't get to see much in the way of variety.

Driveclub looked pretty tidy, didn't get to play it but the handling model appeared more Project Gotham than Forza, which I'm cool with. Didn't get a good look at Forza 5 either, so can't say if it was a better looking game.

Need For Speed Rivals was playable on PS4 though, and fuuuuck that was smooth and damn fast, and very, very pretty indeed (didn't play: observed!).

Sony definitely had the stronger presence, with multiplats like NFS, Watch_Dogs, AssCreed, FIFA and Destiny all being predominantly shown on PS4, with smaller 'also on Xbox One' notices besides.

Speaking of Destiny, it wasn't playable, they only had the E3 demo on a loop to look at - but, seeing it first hand instead of through compressed video over the looks really great (although I still think the highlights reel at the end of the gameplay shows the most impressive stuff).

Support-wise, Xbox One had BF4 and (I presume, I didn't go close enough to confirm) COD Ghosts to show.

We actually joined the queue to get in the last game of BF4 on Xbox One, but ducked out because we figured that Oculus Rift would be a harder experience to come by and wanted to check that out - BF4 beta starts in a week or so, and I'll be getting the game at release in a couple months, whereas Oculus I probably won't get another chance on for some time.

Unfortunately this meant I didn't get any time on the XO pad, and we couldn't get close enough to the setup to see BF4 running on the console - it looked slick enough from where we were standing, but it was also the only version at the show, so I couldn't compare to PC or anything else.

Also, while we were in the queue for it, we were watching some people play Titanfall on PC, and that game still looks all kinds of fun. It was the same demo level from E3 though, so nothing really new to see.

Other Xbox One stuff...Ryse and Killer Instinct were both behind walls as they were 18+ and we just didn't have time to queue for them. Some random at the show said Ryse was pretty cool and not nearly as QTE bullshit as previous reports had led to believe, which is good to hear.

Didn't go near Nintendo's stuff in the time we had, wanted to swing through and check out Wind Waker HD out of curiosity but unfortunately they'd already shut it down before we got there.

We also saw Dying Light being played on PC, and that looked pretty but didn't actually see uch going on. The combat looked straight out of Dead Island, which I quite enjoyed.



Oh, and I could smack myself for forgetting - Dark Souls II looked fucking mega, I could have wept Very Happy 

I love the first - it's quite probably my favourite game of all time - and I'm super excited about the sequel. I didn't get to play it as after we joined the queue, some guy came round and said that we were too far back to get a go and would be better off trying to find something else (this happened quite a lot, annoyingly).

Not too cut up though, as it's not really a game to demo in my mind - I just want to sit down with the finished thing and dive in from the start. Incidentally, the staffer that told us the queue was no good, also said he'd played it and loved it - as a huge fan of the first as well - but that he was purposefully trying not to pay too much attention as he also wanted to play it for himself at release, haha!

Oh, and I missed out on a sweet Dark Souls II tshirt cause I'm an idiot Sad 

Well, it wasn't completely my fault, but waaaaaa!

In the last 5mins, while my buddy was getting his shot on Oculus, I went for the nearest free PS4 I could find, just to get some more time to weigh up that pad, and it was running Octodad - a game I only had a passing interest in before - and, holy shit, it's hilarious! I really liked it, haha!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Some AC since I really enjoy your write ups.

Thanks for the info



Ha, thanks Terry! No worries, my pleasure Very Happy 

If I think of anything else, I'll add it...or if anyone thinks of a specific title I haven't mentioned, pipe up and I'll let you know if I saw anything of it!

Speaking of...(stream of consciousness..) there was an Omni at the show - don't know if you guys have seen this..? Video in case 'no':

It wasn't playable to the public (I imagine that prototype is pretty fucking precious and expensive) but there was a guy playing TF2 on it - and he had the controls down pretty good, too.

The version at the show looked a little further along than the one in the video, but it still looks pretty fucking goofy and impractical, and requires the main unit, Kinect sensor and Oculus Rift to function fully (although I guess crouch/jump is button controlled as usual).

It was kinda cool to see one working, and pretty impressive really. But it's the kind of thing I'd entertain messing with at an arcade or something, but don't really have any desire to own.



Nice writeup.

I have heard the stuff you said about the rift being said before, but hopefully the full release with 1080p fixes that for the most part. Still 1080p right up in your face isn't that great but I think it's like rendering a dual monitor setup so higher resolutions would be difficult for a lot of games.

Definitely going to take some getting used not being able to see your actual real environment and being able to switch on a camera would be an awesome idea. I'm hyped about being able to play Euro Truck Simulator 2 and look around the dashboard and at my right hand mirror, but at the same time I'll lose my ability to drink beer and play the game.

Octodad looks awesome as well, and it's actually already available to download but it's not the full game.



Hey Chewy! Yeah, I can imagine certain times when something like Oculus would be great, and would genuinely add to the experience, but it's a compromise in other ways and I don't think I'd see it replacing my normal screen for any real substantial amount of time. You're right that it's effectively running a dual monitor setup, so your computer would need considerable grunt to perform at a decent level.

Incidentally, despite the dual display, I didn't notice much of a 3D effect, but that's probably down to a combo of the resolution and the nature of deep space combat - not many floating landmarks to guage depth perception on!

I saw a trailer of Octodad being played with a mouse after the show, so it's great that more people will be able to check it out. I honestly can't get over how much it charmed me in a tiny space of time - surprise game of the show, hahhaha Laughing

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

MADEWITHROBOTS wrote:Oh, and I could smack myself for forgetting - Dark Souls II looked fucking mega, I could have wept Very Happy 
This is the single most important part of your writeup for me Very Happy

The PS4 and Occulus info was good, too. But fuck yeah, Dark Souls.



Oculus VR recently joined the MIPI alliance, which houses the latest technology specs that the big companies use to make high resolution phone/tablet screens, so I can imagine they'll be doing the high resolution screen in good time.



Wow lots of good info



Nice stuff Robots. I really enjoy your stream o' thought writing.
I think you just sold me on Killzone and I wasn't even planning on picking it up.


So I went to checkout there website, First thing I noticed is the developer kit... LOL

< 6 months till theres porn on this things I bet lmao

Also its only $300, (shipping october) I'm actually pretty tempted Very Happy



that's good about the ps4 controller being improved, now it's a waiting game to see if my friends were bullshitting me when they said they were getting it on release...don't even know what game they would get. I'm guess it'll be a clusterfuck sale for it on black friday too....screw that I'll order online lol

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

RStudios wrote:So I went to checkout there website, First thing I noticed is the developer kit... LOL

< 6 months till theres porn on this things I bet lmao

Also its only $300, (shipping october)  I'm actually pretty tempted Very Happy
Makes me wonder what non-gaming applications could be created with this.

I'd like to combine it with the Leap Motion, and see what I can do. I've been tempted to pick one up and develop some random stuff just to check it out, but I'm kinda broke right now.


By looks of it it uses unity3d, which is pretty easy to code in, although it does have its limitations gfx wise

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