A Florida teen is facing a felony conviction because he tried to help some struggling families at the Goodwill where he worked. Andrew Anderson, 19, was heartbroken by some of the people who came in to the store "wearing all of the clothes they had," so he would give the neediest shoppers discounts of up to 50 percent on the necessities they bought. But when store officials learned what Anderson was doing, their small hearts didn't exactly grow three sizes: They fired him and reported him to sheriff's deputies, who arrested him for grand theft.
A Florida teen is facing a felony conviction because he tried to help some struggling families at the Goodwill where he worked. Andrew Anderson, 19, was heartbroken by some of the people who came in to the store "wearing all of the clothes they had," so he would give the neediest shoppers discounts of up to 50 percent on the necessities they bought. But when store officials learned what Anderson was doing, their small hearts didn't exactly grow three sizes: They fired him and reported him to sheriff's deputies, who arrested him for grand theft.