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Man the monsters in minecraft are scary.

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I think the thing that really makes them scary is not the way they look but the sounds they make. That and the fact you can't see them really leads to some jump moments when you sitting in a whole at night. What do you guys think of them?



What do you mean you can't see them? I haven't played it.



Metalzoic wrote:What do you mean you can't see them? I haven't played it.

Not in your line of sight like you just hear them and your just a block underground and they might be with you in that area or they're above you. It's just hearing the noise that is like "...uh oh."

I think it's creepier hearing the noise rather than seeing them. If I see them first I become confident o.o



Well a lot of the time you're underground and there's a rock wall seperating you from them, or they're underground while you're walking, but maybe they're just over a ledge you can't see. You never know where they are. I just turned the game to peaceful because I hated having to do nothing for half the game while I waited for the sun to come up.



Gotcha. Kind of like the original doom then... hearing them somewhere near but not knowing where exactly is scary stuff.



Hearing them is rather intimidating yes, especially when you know they're probably somewhere they can get to you, but you don't know from where. I got bored on Peaceful really fast, because it felt as if there was no opposition, even though it was nice to turn on for one day, just to wander around at night, and see what I could build.



I get my thrill much more from building and exploring than fighting monsters. Realistically no monsters are going to ever be able to hurt you if you have any shelter whatsoever, so until the game is changed to allow them to break your blocks or something its just a waste of a night. Also clearing out a massive underground cavern full of mobs seems more tedious than fun to me.

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