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[BF4] Windows 8 is the solution for poor performance?

Epyk MD
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I recently came across some discussions that those who had performance issues while using Windows 7, had vastly improved performance in Windows 8. I cannot verify this myself as I do not have 8 installed on my machine, but at least its providing me reasons to test out 8.

Windows 8.1 should be releasing soon (on 18th I think), so I probably will try it then.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

the wife has windows 8...i could see it geing good on tablets or touch screen comps...but damn that shits annoying with a kb/m



My mother bought a new laptop last Saturday (all laptops these days are Windows Cool, and I had to help her setup everything. Besides the fact that they hid all the necessary commands in weird places, the essential functionality seemed pretty much in tact.



Performance is increased I can confirm

But the GUI isnt as good as Win 7

and trust me as a computer literate you will miss the start menu



Although I always imagine you using Linux penguin so the Start menu missing might not bother you Very Happy



Only if I could get better performance with Linux, and all games are supported, then I would use it as main OS.



Im not a big Linux fan Very Happy



Frostbyrn wrote:Im not a big Linux fan Very Happy
Maybe you don't have enough tape holding your glasses together.



Metalzoic wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Im not a big Linux fan Very Happy
Maybe you don't have enough tape holding your glasses together.
Badam boosh



Metalzoic wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Im not a big Linux fan Very Happy
Maybe you don't have enough tape holding your glasses together.
Maybe if I tuck my shirt into my underwear just a little bit harder Very Happy



After that go find a hot chick and get beat up by her boyfriend. You'll be spitting while you talk and loving Linux in no time!

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I tried Windows 8 but for non-touch machines it's just painful to use. A friend of mine has a Sony Vaio Duo 11, and it's fantastic to use in those kind of machines (tablet-laptop hybrid), it's truly good as a tablet OS and laptops with touch screen. But fuck, for desktops or laptops with no touch screens it's a pain in the ass.

I'd really like for games to just go to Linux. My use of Windows would just be minimized to development.



I'm angry at Sony for ditching Z series and changing to it pro and duo models...

I need a new laptop, and nothing fits what I want...



I hate having to sell Windows 8 computers to people. Like yeah, occasionally it can really benefit your lifestyle, and it does work well with transformer computers and stuff, but I just can't stand behind it. Other than, "It's fast," I really don't have much to say.
And when the gamers come in, we just have a hearty laugh.

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