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EA Rage...

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1EA Rage... Empty EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 01:11



Just got done DESTROYING randoms for a good hour, then suddenly on the last base of Port Valdez rush BAM, booted to the start screen. I lost over 100 F2000 kills, a good 30-40 40mm shotgun kills, and a bunch of REX headshots. I am PISSED.

2EA Rage... Empty Re: EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 01:18



Are you sure because the game auto saves every time you respawn.

3EA Rage... Empty Re: EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 01:21



I'm positive man, I got a bunch of new gold stars on those weapons and I checked my weapon stats right after I got booted and I don't have them. It's like everything I did while playing on that server is just gone.

4EA Rage... Empty Re: EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 01:22



ante87 wrote:I'm positive man, I got a bunch of new gold stars on those weapons and I checked my weapon stats right after I got booted and I don't have them.
Damn well gl getting them back. (did you check the stats on the site?)

5EA Rage... Empty Re: EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 01:25



Yeah, same story on BFBCS, oh well, you're right I'll get them back in no time. It's just the initial frustration caused me to go into ragepost mode, sorry. XD

6EA Rage... Empty Re: EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 01:34

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ragepost mode is therapeutic

7EA Rage... Empty Re: EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 02:34



Yes. I've lost kills, stars etc... many times. Even though it constantly saves sometimes if booted to dash or menu it's just all gone.

8EA Rage... Empty Re: EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 02:45

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Zoic your avatars are very much distracting

9EA Rage... Empty Re: EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 02:56



What a Face

10EA Rage... Empty Re: EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 03:01

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Say I'm typing a resonse' bit I stert slowy mmovinng my heaD to the leef... Buy tim I reelize it mie text scrrren lloks like thizmlsoekffkFFffffflosZ

11EA Rage... Empty Re: EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 03:02



Oh shit that made me laugh until I started coughing. Ha! Laughing

12EA Rage... Empty Re: EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 05:16

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Very true. Are they just random pics of hot chicks? WTF!?

13EA Rage... Empty Re: EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 05:36

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

His wife...

14EA Rage... Empty Re: EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 09:24



If you get booted to the menu or dashboard, you do indeed lose your stats. Happened to me the other day. I was not a happy camper.

15EA Rage... Empty Re: EA Rage... 2010-10-21, 09:42



I got boot last night as well but I didn't care so much. I was playing with Kult and I swear we had randoms dumber than ussual. We would cap a flag move to the next only to loos our last flag. I would look over and there would be 6 blue triangle sitting nearby but not trying to defend the base! WTF!

Then the last match on Arica Harbor I just died everytime I spawned! I had fox's bullet magnet I guess! I was just plain sucking! I think I died 10 times in a row Then I empty an entire clip into someone they shoot me I go to the spawn screen and then Boot.

I said thats it I'm going to bed.

Back to Dragon Age for a few days HAHA

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