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Sooo...Assassins creed. Worth it on Steam?

Ars Diaboli
Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I've never played these games....ever. I'm debating on getting into them now, and wanted to get ya'lls opinions.

Is this a game that you recommend playing from the first game onward, or does it not matter if I start with the new iterations of it?

Was also debating picking up Prince of Persia for PC (if it's any good)



I played 1 & 2, and thought they were pretty awesome, then now I play 3, its... not so good. Was going to see the story so that I can play 4, but now I am not sure anymore.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

It's a mixed bag.

I thought that the first game had an interesting character, setting, and story. Ignoring the end maybe... but overall it's good.

The gameplay got boring at about halfway through, maybe even sooner, though. It was a glaring flaw in the game.

The second game was utter shit in the character and story department, in my opinion. The gameplay was improved quite a lot, but it was simply not enough for me. It's too fucking simple, and easy. There's no challenge whatsoever. I dropped the game after that one, since I only kept going for the story from the first one.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Ars Diaboli wrote:It's a mixed bag.

I thought that the first game had an interesting character, setting, and story. Ignoring the end maybe... but overall it's good.

The gameplay got boring at about halfway through, maybe even sooner, though. It was a glaring flaw in the game.

The second game was utter shit in the character and story department, in my opinion. The gameplay was improved quite a lot, but it was simply not enough for me. It's too fucking simple, and easy. There's no challenge whatsoever. I dropped the game after that one, since I only kept going for the story from the first one.
Pretty much my feelings as well. Everyone says 2 is better than 1 but I think I like 1 the best in terms of setting and story.

Also you're probably going to want to start with the 1st one and go from there. The story is pretty convoluted and I'm not sure if you just pick up one of the later games that you will necessarily know what the hell is going on.



i like 3 the best... not a fan of revelations or brotherhood... nearly 1000/1000 on AC2 on xbox

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

HydrasBreath wrote:Pretty much my feelings as well. Everyone says 2 is better than 1 but I think I like 1 the best in terms of setting and story.
Yeah, Altair was an interesting character. I'm not saying he was OMG best char evah!1!!1! But he was interesting, the middle east setting was pretty awesome, and the way he starts questioning himself, his actions, and his beliefs, is what makes the game for me.

The second one is just... meh. The gameplay was better, but not really good per se. Not enough to compensate for shitting all over the previous game's good points.



2>Brotherhood>Revelations> 3 > 1

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Ars Diaboli wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:Pretty much my feelings as well. Everyone says 2 is better than 1 but I think I like 1 the best in terms of setting and story.
Yeah, Altair was an interesting character. I'm not saying he was OMG best char evah!1!!1! But he was interesting, the middle east setting was pretty awesome, and the way he starts questioning himself, his actions, and his beliefs, is what makes the game for me.

The second one is just... meh. The gameplay was better, but not really good per se. Not enough to compensate for shitting all over the previous game's good points.
Agreed. I really liked how you could pull of a true stealth kill on a major story target without ever really being seen in the first one.

You couldn't do that with a single target in two. They would always detect you triggering a battle or chase sequence.

I also really hated the infamy mechanic in two. If I do a double assassination and no one else is around suddenly everybody knows who I am but I run around in the middle of a crowd and assassinate one of those preachy infamy guys and I go back to being a ghost? What? scratch 

It felt like I was getting punished for trying to do the coolest assassinations I could. I'd rather do the save the citizens missions from one than have to deal with that.

I also really liked the intelligence gathering aspect of your main kills. If you gathered all the intelligence you could you would usually end up with a path in and out without ever being seen.

That's another thing they removed from two. You were pretty much on your own as far as coming up with a plan. Almost trial and error.



for me 1>2>3=brotherhood=revelations=shit



1 was still a cool game dont get me wring, it was just so repetitive.

Revelations was way to short, and the story kinda sucked.



Apparently. They (Ubisoft) thought of a sly, but dumb as shit (logic wise in the AC universe) way to constantly pump out AC without Desmond... The Animus is now a video game simulator.

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