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BF4 not clicking with me so far

Ron Swanson
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I have so many issues right now its aggravating.

- Takes literally ten mins to load a match. By the time Im done loading, people have captured 4 flags and have over 1k points. Not fun

- Massive lag and stuttering

- Some of the spawns are staggeringly bad on a few maps

- Floodzone is terrible

- Hit markers but not getting damage

- disconnections

All in all so far its been an exercise in frustration more than anything. 4 hours in and man the only fun Ive had was in TDM, and last night when we were camping a train car (LMAO btw )



It seems like traditional BF launch phenomenon.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

This seems to happen with every BF game at launch.



this is making me want to wait a week to purchase...



Yea the whole loading 3 or 4 minutes INTO the match really puts me off

I might wait till they get that fixed, or buy a bigger SSS lol



Ante wrote:this is making me want to wait a week to purchase...
I thought you already bought it haha

Yea I dunno. I might finish the SP and let them fix a few things

The stuttering and lag is awful right now

It screwed me and Echo over a few times just a few minutes ago



yeah i'm probably gonna wait. a couple friends just dragged me back into PoE so that can tide me over.



I'm going to wait for the teething/honeymoon phase to be over before I make a move.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Sym wrote:
Ante wrote:this is making me want to wait a week to purchase...
It screwed me and Echo over a few times just a few minutes ago
Yeah, it comes and goes, it varies from server to server for me. It's not nearly as bad as it was back in beta, but it's there, and it has gotten me killed a great number of times.

I would indeed suggest that if ya'll are having issues to wait a little bit for the teething problems to be sorted out.



It might just be that the server requirements are up, and not all server providers meet the necessary requirements.



I noticed it loading very slow in BF4 beta as well, BF3 took awhile,but it wasn't nearly as bad on regular HDD.

you have anything you can move over to regular hdd then put bf4 on the ssd?



Thinking of buying a small ssd( another one )



they've been having alot of sales on 120gb for like 70-80, for some reason the 60gbs never went down in price much, it's better to get a 120gb, pay 10 more bucks pretty much for double the space

I got the 250gb samsung 840



I am thinking about getting 750gb version of Samsung 840.

Secondary HDD sound is getting a little annoying now.



if I ever need some more space or whatever I'd probably get one of these, it'll be nice in a few years when 1TB SSDs are $100 Razz



Damn thats a pretty nice price.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

It was a rough start for me but I'm starting to enjoy myself while playing.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Having problems adjusting to the x8 scope right now on the M40. It appears the M40 has more drop but I can't tell to be honest. Hitting moving targets is a real pain, while using the CS LR4 it's practically second nature to me, not sure what the issue is right now.

EDIT: After screwing around on the test range, I think I've figure out where to hold, at least at 120+- meters for targets that are running.



The CS LR4 has a slightly faster bullet velocity. 500 m/s vs 480 m/s on the M40.

Has the game been any better stability-wise? Really hope it's running smooth by Tuesday...

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I just ran a game on Hainen Resort (I think that's its name, meh 13-13) and haven't had any issues on PC. I think it just varies from server to server, there are people in the chat that were saying the game is giving them problems though, game breaking stutter etc etc.

After I installed the new drivers for my cards things seem to have gotten better, turning down the graphics to medium also helped on my end as well.



Seems to be isolated to small patches of people

I have lots of problems right

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Hmmm, what kind of cards are you running Sym? if you're using nVidia, did you update to the 331.65 drivers? That seemed to fix most of my issues in regards to performance.



Art Ive told you like 3 or 4 times what card I have. GTX 580

God damn this is the worst MP release to date I can imagine.

I cant even load into a match anymore. 6 strait game " BF4 has stopped responding "

Im ranting but I want my money back. What a shitty clusterfuck this is. Wow so much is wring with this launch its amazing. I cant even play the damn game. FUCK YOU DICE

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Sym wrote:Art Ive told you like 3 or 4 times what card I have. GTX 580

God damn this is the worst MP release to date I can imagine.

I cant even load into a match anymore. 6 strait game " BF4 has stopped responding "

Im ranting but I want my money back. What a shitty clusterfuck this is. Wow so much is wring with this launch its amazing. I cant even play the damn game. FUCK YOU DICE
My bad, I'll have to go back and check. Sorry man, wish I could help. Not sure what's causing all the issues for you.



My card is a gtx 580 haha

I said in that post right there

ANd FTR when I can actually play BF4 its pretty fun, but right now I cant even play. Feels like a waste of time to even try anymore. Thank God I didnt buy premium yet

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Art Ive told you like 3 or 4 times what card I have. GTX 580

God damn this is the worst MP release to date I can imagine.

I cant even load into a match anymore. 6 strait game " BF4 has stopped responding "

Im ranting but I want my money back. What a shitty clusterfuck this is. Wow so much is wring with this launch its amazing. I cant even play the damn game. FUCK YOU DICE
Fuck man that sucks ass. Hopefully they fix shit soon. I just turned on Origin and there was an update for BF4. Not sure for what though.



Yea I got the update too

Didnt fix anything, actually now I cant even get into a match


This is my own fault for getting hyped on launch for another DICE game. This is like clockwork. Every single BF since BF2 has a friggin train wreck at launch .



ANd just like that kicked again

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:ANd just like that kicked again
Yeah pretty sure the server crashed.



By the way Operation locker kinda sucks lmao

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Probably wouldn't suck as much if you were not having so many issues with the game Sad



I dunno it reminds me so much of Metro

Just hallfways of death haha

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:I dunno it reminds me so much of Metro

Just hallfways of death haha
C flag is the only real clusterfuck flag. If you just focus on trying to cap the other flags you can do pretty well.

I thought it was a pretty good map.



Id have to play it again I guess

So far I like every map but Op Locker and Flood

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Maps feel way better than the vanilla maps that came with BF3 IMO

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Id have to play it again I guess

So far I like every map but Op Locker and Flood
Yeah flood is my least favorite. Especially when it's flooded. There's not really much place you can go as infy except the rooftops of death.



I've played all the maps on deathmatch and it's pretty decent

I haven't had any technical stuff wring with the game besides it crashing on Ultra. I still get insta killed by people who apparently can just hold down the trigger, but getting the AEK helped me alot. IDK, maybe SSD would help



If you get crazy rubberband with acceptable ping, chances are it's the server and not you. Everyone was bitching on a few servers that I rubberbanded.



As it stands now this game is easily my most disappointing game maybe ever

Just a fucking mess in so many ways

Especially after the good beta

Dont really have much to say other than that. Incredibly disappointing. Ive noted in this thread why I dont like it, and its not getting any better. I discover a new big/glitch every round. My wife was watching me play earlier and it was just a laugh fest. So much bullshit. I now have this random glitch where my screen jerks to the side for no reason whatsoever.



Oh and MMB brings up console command too, every time. MMB isnt even mapped to the console.....

Game has a nice premise but right now its a fuckign mess. You guys may have good luck, but Im far from the only one having these problems.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Naw, I'm having issues as well. Been trying for the past hour or so to just get into a game and stay in one. If it's not the servers crashing after 10-15min of gameplay, its horrific lag spikes and screen stutter making the game impossible to play.

A lot of the beta issues are still around sadly. The game is indeed a mess. I blame EA and their money mongering ways, forcing DICE to release the game prematurely before these bugs could be ironed out.



This game needed at least a few more months of dev time

Also they really need to fix the stat tracking, Ive noticed that in some games that crash the stats done save. I know this for a fact because I unlocked my RDS for my SCAR earlier and it crashed. Loaded back up and didnt have it , and lost all ten kills. frustrating. I mean its not really that huge of a deal, but man....its just in a long line of issues right now

Here is MY list of the problems Im having

_ Battle Log is broke, doesn't work in Chrome for me and server browser only works sometimes
- Super long load times
- Crashing in game and server crashes are constant
- lag
- horrible stutter
- stats not tracking
- Middle mouse button brings up console commands for unknown reason
- screen jerks to left and right for no reason while sprinting
-Doesn't always reload, does animation but no ammo ( just noticed this tonight )
- inst killed
- ten plus hit markers and no kill
- assist 75+ not always counting as a kill
- spawns in Flood zone are epically bad
Umm I think thats most of them

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Let me add to your list

- MBT LAW is broken against aircraft, even with PLD lock, it does zero damage.

- Sound cuts out for no apparent reason, only certain sounds can be heard, most of those that are in your immediate vicinity

- Rubber knife is back again



Ah yes then there is the sound

Yea I get that too

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Ah yes then there is the sound

Yea I get that too
Yeah that really pisses me can't hear jack shit of what's going on around you. No enemy footsteps or anything.



I dunno if it did it alot on pc but literally every match on Caspian on xbox the sound goes out

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah it seems like the Dam level is the worst offender. That map is usually silent most of the time.



It always happens to me in vehicles

I hate to feel this way about a BF game

You guys know its my favorite series ever, and Ive literally played every single one of them. I love BF.

But man....right now....I couldnt recommend this game to anyone. Gotta give them some time to srot it out......but then again its DIce so who knows when that will be. Not to mention their history for making new bugs with patches. Sigh

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

HydrasBreath wrote:Yeah it seems like the Dam level is the worst offender. That map is usually silent most of the time.
This, I suspect the game is going to be broken for a while. I may actually go back to playing GTA V and the Witcher for a while until the game matures for a bit.

I play to have fun, not to get frustrated and upset because it's not functioning properly ya know?



I'm waiting to see what's the new OP gun, the ACW is insta kill lmao, doesn't help it's an early unlock >_>

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