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Anybody wanna play BF4 now, late night gaming lol

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can't sleep, who wants to chump em, on the off chance anybody is on here and not drunk off their ass on a fri. night Razz

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I would have but I was playing a show last night.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I'll be on tonight if ya'll wanna run.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Artimise Flare wrote:I'll be on tonight if ya'll wanna run.
Gotta work Sad

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

HydrasBreath wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:I'll be on tonight if ya'll wanna run.
Gotta work Sad



Still cant play

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Still cant play
Yeah the issues are kind of making me want to wait as well.

Has anything improved at all Art?

I know there have been a bunch of server side patches.



Its been 6 days and I still cant really connect to any matches

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

My IRL friends are still having some problems getting into games (can't connect to at least a dozen, get in and kicked after 15min or so, micro lag/stutter destroying any ability to fight back etc. etc.)

I must have gotten lucky a for a few matches since we had some really good ones with no issues, for the most part the horrific amounts of stutter experienced at launch is gone, but it's far from being fixed.

Getting kicked out of games due to "Something went wring" or "Server timed out" or whatever myriad amount of reasons is still aggravating and common issue.

Instant KO from 100% HP is also a problem that has not been resolved from what I can tell. Combine that with douchebag admins kicking you for no apparent reason, and it's just down right aggravating at times.

Despite all this, when the game is running, it's a whole lot of fun...but I stress when it finally works.



I can connect just fine, but crashes are now frequent. Sound loop, then TM says it's still running, but I know it's actually not responding.

Even on Commander mode, which doesn't seem to take much in terms of resources (outside the live camera I guess).



I never had a problem getting into matches...the thing breaking the game for me is the enemy literally insta killing me, and I have good ping and decent internet, better than the majority I'd

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

JrTapia1991 wrote:I never had a problem getting into matches...the thing breaking the game for me is the enemy literally insta killing me, and I have good ping and decent internet, better than the majority I'd
The netcode for BF4 is the worst I've ever seen, dare I say it's even worse than BF3's.



it's really not fun for me alot of the time....only real fun I had was that opening night with you, honestly so far I like bf3 better

I dislike how the guns have crazy recoil even with attachments that supposedly fix it too

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

JrTapia1991 wrote:it's really not fun for me alot of the time....only real fun I had was that opening night with you, honestly so far I like bf3 better

I dislike how the guns have crazy recoil even with attachments that supposedly fix it too
Crazy recoil? I actually don't have any issue with them to be honest, then again, I've not played around with the assault rifles, so I can't say.

I've only really used Sniper rifles and the M249 SAW. Only recently did I start using the AK5C and the P90 (the latter which is a bitch to get kills with on some of the crazy big ass maps)



well maybe not so much recoil, it's the crazy spread of everything that trips me out Evil or Very Mad 

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

JrTapia1991 wrote:well maybe not so much recoil, it's the crazy spread of everything that trips me out Evil or Very Mad 
I must not have noticed, is that with the AR's? I expected the crazy spread with LMG's so maybe that's why it doesn't bother me?

I've noticed that burst fire has become extremely important in BF4, with just about any weapon it seems that fires in auto. Good luck trying to hit anything beyond 15m in auto as the spread goes to crap.



It doesn't really feel much different than BF3 to me. If anything I might say it has a bit tighter spread/recoil.

No hit detection or lag issues (other than regular frame rate drops on Operation Locker). In my 30 hours of MP so far I've probably had less than 10 kills/deaths that seemed wonky.



I think its damn fun when I can actually play

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

It's likely the net coding and the myriad amount of other issues that is plaguing the game that is making it less fun for both you Jr and sym as well as a great number of others.

In typical DICE fashion they'll release a couple hundred gigs worth of patches to get the game up to speed and at least playable for the masses.

At least most of the really bad lag issues have been dealt with so far, but it's still very very far from perfect.



Sym wrote:I think its damn fun when I can actually play
It's fantastic.
The amount of things added, improved upon, polished, balanced and changed for the better over BF3 is shocking.

It looks like BF 3.5 on the surface, but is so improved it feels like BF5.

Even the things people are bitching about is actually better. Like the new control scheme... it is far superior to BF3.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Metalzoic wrote:
Sym wrote:I think its damn fun when I can actually play
It's fantastic.
The amount of things added, improved upon, polished, balanced and changed for the better over BF3 is shocking.

It looks like BF 3.5 on the surface, but is so improved it feels like BF5.

Even the things people are bitching about is actually better. Like the new control scheme... it is far superior to BF3.
You're playing on 360 correct? I heard the console versions have been surprisingly stable, and the maps were actually tailored to suit the lower player count this time around. Good on DICE if all that is true, console players really got shafted with the version they got with BF3 IMO.

Now if only they could get their birth platforms version sorted out. What a damn nightmare it's been.



Sounds like it.
Exactly the reason I quit PC gaming years ago.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Metalzoic wrote:Sounds like it.
Exactly the reason I quit PC gaming years ago.

To be fair, most games launch and play just fine. I've never had any real issues with most of the games I purchase having this many issues.

Is it frustrating? Of course, but it's not enough so for me to quit PC gaming personally.



they quit having online passes didn't they? I seriously thought about getting it cheap on 360 till they fix the hit detection on pc, 9/10 deaths are bullshit. They rarely ever beat me in a straight up fight. I wasn't the best player ever, but I never kept going fucking 2-11. Teams have surprisingly been solid, as horrible as I've been doing, I win my share of games. I resorted to playing only deathmatch with small number of people

I thought hardcore would be better but it's not...there's not even a hit marker to know if you're hitting the damn guy so you'd know to adjust your aim, and it still doesn't kill them any quicker on hardcore, they just kill me even faster, if that's possible

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

JrTapia1991 wrote:they quit having online passes didn't they? I seriously thought about getting it cheap on 360 till they fix the hit detection on pc, 9/10 deaths are bullshit. They rarely ever beat me in a straight up fight. I wasn't the best player ever, but I never kept going fucking 2-11. Teams have surprisingly been solid, as horrible as I've been doing, I win my share of games. I resorted to playing only deathmatch with small number of people

I thought hardcore would be better but it's not...there's not even a hit marker to know if you're hitting the damn guy so you'd know to adjust your aim, and it still doesn't kill them any quicker on hardcore, they just kill me even faster, if that's possible
The netcode is probably what's messing you up man. People like lvlcap and other youtubers are saying they are frequently getting killed around corners and stuff. A person will kill them around a corner but on their screen they haven't even stepped out from around the corner.

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