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I was so confused....

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1I was so confused.... Empty I was so confused.... 2013-11-18, 16:39


Mail Online wrote:Aaron Dugmore, nine, found hanged at Birmingham home by his mother
Now, I may just be weird, but I read this as the mother hung the kid. It wasn't until I forced myself to read on that I realized it wasn't so.
I hate the news for this reason. Sometimes its just so damn confusing.

Also, this is such an incredibly sad article.

2I was so confused.... Empty Re: I was so confused.... 2013-11-18, 16:49



Welp 2 minutes later I learned that Mail Online is a pathetic site. Still, their headlines and subheads suck.

3I was so confused.... Empty Re: I was so confused.... 2013-11-18, 16:54

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

the daily mail is a massive joke in general.

4I was so confused.... Empty Re: I was so confused.... 2013-11-18, 17:10



Yeah, after reading 10 comments or so on Reddit I figured that everybody sort of hates them.

5I was so confused.... Empty Re: I was so confused.... 2013-11-18, 18:29



The Adli Corporation wrote:the daily mail is a massive joke in general.
Hey the Daily Mail is a great newspaper

I always go to them and Fox news for Unbiased non-sensationalized stories Very Happy

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