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[BF4] Randy Clanner: Do all lvl 100's have map hacks or something

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[BF4] Randy Clanner: Do all lvl 100's have map hacks or something D44dd710

LoL. Thats a new one. I've been accused of aim-botting multiple times, but not map hacking.

So, I am going to use this as an excuse to upload my not-so-good but decent CQC run in Operation Locker rush mode.

EDIT: Title typo fix

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I watched most of that match and you are a mean son of a bitch stormy.



I am using this footage as a test bench for Vegas Pro 12, so I will be uploading more versions of it, hopefully quality will go up.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I just remembered...Storm you live in Hong Kong, do you understand what the Chinese guys are saying by chance? What Dialect are they speaking? Mandarin or Cantonese?



I'm going to try and run bf4 on this laptop on everything on low lol.



Chinese soldiers speak in Mandarin. I think its pretty hard to get that part wring.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I don't really know anything about Chinese to be honest, only a few different dialects (though I don't know how to determine which is which) Mandarin if I'm not mistaken is primarily spoken in mainland china as opposed to Cantonese, is more in the rural areas? There are a few others Tuoysan (sp) is another dialect that is spoken in the country side, though I'm not sure.

I'm considering taking Chinese at some point, since going from Japanese to Chinese will likely be easier or vice versa since they share the same Kanji system (more like the Japanese stole the Chinese Kanji writing system Razz )



Cantonese is a dialect spoken in Canton province, which Hong Kong is part of. So rural is not exactly the right way to put it.

If you think about it, there are more people outside of China speaking Cantonese than Mandarin. This is because most of the Chinese you meat outside of China did not come from mainland China. In fact, most of the Chinese you see are probably from Hong Kong.

Hong Kong being former colony of Britain did not have strict travel restrictions applied to those areas controlled by mainland China, and since it being a major trade route, many people were easily able to move to another location across the sea.

Most of the Chinese immigrants that worked for the western railroads in US are Cantonese people who settled in San Fransisco. And, because of this, most of the Chinese-Americans have their roots coming from Hong Kong, not from mainland China.

If you know Japanese by heart, Korean would be easier to learn, and vice versa. But Chinese is not going to be easy just because you are familiar with Chinese characters, especially if you are planning to learn Putonghua (or Mandarin as we called in our posts).

First of all, Putonghua uses simplified characters, which can totally mess up with your existing knowledge of Chinese characters. You basically have to relearn majority of characters (at least its not THAT hard if you are Chinese, but you are... not Chinese).

Grammatical difference between China vs Japanese + Korean are absolutely ginormous. So, if you are already having some difficulty with Japanese grammer, you are going to have double the trouble and possibly get things mixed up, which in turn hurts other foreign languages you already know.

But just because it won't be easier to learn, doesn't mean you shouldn't. Knowing Putonghua will allow you to have more business opportunities than knowing Japanese. Although, Japanese is essential if you want to consume content products produced in Japan without having to rely on other third party help (being able to directly consume content is marvelous), you are less likely to deal business with a Japanese person (or at least most, if not all, of those guys are educated enough to speak basic English), opposed to a Chinese person living in mainland China.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Honestly, my desire to learn Japanese stems from several reasons. One I want to be able to buy stuff and travel around Japan without needing a translator, second it's a root language for me, being half Japanese and all.

As for Chinese, I just think it would be interesting, though not having someone that I'd be able to speak with would make things difficult, if all else fails, I may consider a European language, though how useful that would be is up in the air since most European's (Germans, French, Italian etc) typically are schooled to speak English as well.

Spanish would be the one language I'd likely end up using the most here in the states since we get a lot of Mexican immigrants in my neck of the woods (both legal and illegal). So if I really wanted to increase my odds of getting a better job, I'd have to learn Spanish.



I've had MANY interactions with Mexican immigrants, when I was in LA. I wished I spoke the language, but never bothered to learn it.

Sorta going back to topic, I forgot I uploaded a video done with Vegas Pro 12 on the same footage. The video somehow looks worse? I must have done something wring, but I can't figure out. I'm total nooblet in video editing...



After digging some info in Sony forum, I think I got things down a little better this time.

I am also linking what I uploaded to SkyDrive, I think thats original upload. So check out the original.

SkyDrive link

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