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Left 4 dead 2 free on steam

HydrasBreath ♜
Ars Diaboli
Green bean Specialist
10 posters

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1Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2013-12-25, 14:45

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist



Cool thanks Green Bean

I have never played any of the Left 4 Dead games

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

They steam store has been sodomized, I can't do shit. I want my free copy dammit! I would never even try the L4D games, but it's free... so I may play it in coop with a buddy some day.



the motherfucker is 15gb+ so be prepared to download for a bit Razz

I got it a long time ago for like 5 bucks but would be cool to finally have people to play it with, the randoms online are more useless than the randoms on bf4 if that's possible



Ars Diaboli wrote:They steam store has been sodomized, I can't do shit. I want my free copy dammit! I would never even try the L4D games, but it's free... so I may play it in coop with a buddy some day.

Buddy.... Very Happy



Now I have L4D/2 AND Payday 2, so I can join in on this whenever we get things started.

At least I am more willing to go with this than the ginormous CiV game. Still not comfortable with bigger game settings.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I also snapped this up.



I had L4D series for quite a while. In fact, I had them for 360 since the beginning, and later bought PC versions (when it was not free...). Ending up not playing at all since. LoL



JrTapia1991 wrote:the motherfucker is 15gb+ so be prepared to download for a bit Razz

I got it a long time ago for like 5 bucks but would be cool to finally have people to play it with, the randoms online are more useless than the randoms on bf4 if that's possible

wew could ve played so much more...we player once i think

10Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-01, 12:19



Frostbyrn wrote:Cool thanks Green Bean

I have never played any of the Left 4 Dead games

I had it (them?) on 360. Cool idea and pretty fun in a basic way, but it barely had any effort or quality put into the graphics, animation, presentation etc...

Felt more like a project game that wasn't finished.

11Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-01, 15:19

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Shutup Metal, no one cares

12Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-01, 15:54



Dropped Da Soap wrote:Shutup Metal, no one cares

No you shut up you booty head!

13Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-01, 19:54



I redownloaded it the other day and they shrinked the size to like 7gb...not sure why a year ago it was 15gb

14Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-01, 21:13


a year ago? more like 2 months ago it was 15gb, I had to download it again because my install corrupted.

Maybe they removed the l4d1 campaign addons from the standard install?

15Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-01, 21:15



I haven't played the left 4 dead 1 maps, but I could select Cold Stream which is the same thing in the lobby, so they're apparently there

now I'm really curious lol.

they had to do something to shrink the damn thing by half >_>

16Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-01, 21:53


Whats the actual install size? Maybe Steam added some compression to the downloads eventually lol

17Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-01, 22:15



folder is 12.7gb total, I have like 200mb of workshop mods for it

18Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-02, 02:00



How does L4D/2 mods work? Does everyone have to be on the same mod or something?

Or is it CS like where you can't really do much (unless you want to cheat) except cosmetic changes, or its server-wide enforcing?

19Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-02, 02:34



StormEye wrote:How does L4D/2 mods work? Does everyone have to be on the same mod or something?

Or is it CS like where you can't really do much (unless you want to cheat) except cosmetic changes, or its server-wide enforcing?

cosmetic basically....but the workshop has much fun things.

20Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-02, 04:17



yeah my friend had some deadpool pew pew pew gun sound and only he could hear it. I mostly got mods so the special infected look like stuff from resident evil

I've seen vids on youtube(although in spanish so I didn't know what they were saying) of people playing custom left 4 dead campaign maps like in the police station for Resident Evil 2 haha

21Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-02, 04:19



JrTapia1991 wrote:
although in spanish so I didn't know what they were saying


22Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-02, 04:26



Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Yes_Man

23Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-02, 04:59



JrTapia1991 wrote:Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Yes_Man

Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 7OQpkkJ

24Left 4 dead 2 free on steam Empty Re: Left 4 dead 2 free on steam 2014-01-02, 05:16

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Fuck yeah adventure time!

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