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Atacama Desert Conquest...

Epyk MD
Cookie Monster
7 posters

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1Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 10:25

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Fuck you chopper spawn times and fuck you Atacama Bullshit.

2Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 10:34



Cookie Monster wrote:Fuck you chopper spawn times and fuck you Atacama Bullshit.

To be honest I found it amusing when me and bla managed to run out of the prison for our lives and we all die numerous times while bla survives xD

Then he wanted to sing a song o_O

I did too much revive hoaring though D:

3Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 10:40



I can only sing the song during CoD4 though, so if you ever play that I'll sing it to you. And while I was running out of there I was expecting to get shot down by that chopper any second, but somehow I made it haha =D

4Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 10:44

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

aye, i am not a fan of Atacama

its rather rage worthy

5Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 10:45



Theres almost no cover on the map except for the housed, and those get blown up.

6Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 10:52

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i was a bit pissed that the round ended secs after tracing the damn chopper

7Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 11:10



Didn't you say that you traced it from across the map?

8Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 11:13

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I don't hate the choppers so much as I hate the respawn for them. You take one out and less than a minute later another one spawns. I think they should make it a five minute respawn so you reduce chopper campers and taking out choppers would actually be effective. What's the point of killing it only to have it come back before you can even capture another base? Stupid.

9Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 11:19

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i traced the one over B from the base spawn, i just added lead like i was trying to snipe it and it hit....i go to fire the rocket at it and the round ends...i was very sad

10Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 11:29



Thats sucks :[
Same thing happens to me all the time in CoD4, I throw a grenade at like 4 guys and the round ends. Makes me want punch my left testicle.

11Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 11:37



I think I'm the only one that likes atacama. Neutral

12Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 11:41



I don't like Atacama conquest but I like Atacama rush, I think lol. I don't hate it though.

13Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 12:23



I don't mind it so much on Rush. I'd rather deal with C4 whores than a Havoc/Apache blowing me up every twenty seconds.

14Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 16:29



I love Atacama. It's my addiction.

If you guys ever play it find yourself a decent pilot otherwise it's an absolutely horrible map. Against good pilots you can get some e-cred by free-firing Gustavs at them or AT mining potential road-killers though.

15Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 16:30



But that's the reason why it sucks. There's attack helicopters.

16Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 16:32



You sir, are correct.

17Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 16:36



That's why I love it, copters to shoot down. I don't get killed by them to often... I'm always on foot or in a tank on Atacama Conquest.

18Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 16:38



Tanks are heli bait.

19Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 16:45



Yeah, but you have plenty of time to bail if ones attacking you.

20Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 16:47



A heli will most likely always attack you. Just sayin.

21Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 16:51



True, If your team doesn't have one up. If they have one up just shoot it down. If they have 2 up with 2 gunners then just cap flags... they rarely win with 4 guys missing from the groundwar.

22Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 16:54



Depending on if you have a good team.

23Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 16:55



explosives and zombie medic legions make infantry maps suck

at least on atacama desert the engineer class is necessary, in the rest of the game he's more of a place-holder.

24Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 16:55



Very very true.

25Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 17:00



oh and tanks are unfairly resistant to helicopters compared to BF2 where you could pretty much instant-kill one

26Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 17:03



A skilled chopper pilot can ruin a tank in no less than two passes. If they have the hellfire+tracer equipped, kiss your ass goodbye in one.

27Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 17:03

Epyk MD

Epyk MD tank got taken to 2% this morning from one volley, i was pissed and annoyed

28Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 17:04



lol @ thinking v-alt is good

I'm talking about the CPU rocket which bent any tank you came across over a barrel in BF2, from anywhere on the map

compared to that the hellfire is a joke. Actually, it's just terrible.. It should have been a free-fired rocket.

29Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 17:06



Awesome MD tank got taken to 2% this morning from one volley, i was pissed and annoyed

Well with V-Warhead a rocket volley drops you below 80% health but you must have been damaged to go from full to 2%. I've never once-over'd a tank with warhead.

AA guns, HMVs, sometimes CAVs but no tanks. They're designed to get two-bursted even with armor vs. a warhead-less pilot.

30Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 17:13

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i was rather suprised

31Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 17:28



JDM_Jev wrote:oh and tanks are unfairly resistant to helicopters compared to BF2 where you could pretty much instant-kill one

It is becuase the hellfire missle is a Alt weapon that needs a dart to work. And often the gunner will have to alt fire darts and make his cannon weaker.

32Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 17:32



I love me some chopper whoring.

33Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-25, 18:08

brother mouzon

Metalzoic wrote:True, If your team doesn't have one up. If they have one up just shoot it down. If they have 2 up with 2 gunners then just cap flags... they rarely win with 4 guys missing from the groundwar.


not saying it's easy but there are a variety of ways to beat the chopper ho's.

34Atacama Desert Conquest... Empty Re: Atacama Desert Conquest... 2010-10-26, 03:24

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

The only real problem I have is the Helo's respawn time. What's the point of me taking it out only to have it respawn in about a minute? If they made it longer things would be more balanced and it might encourage people to cap instead of wait for the Apache or Hind to respawn. After you take a chopper down and you're at a disadvantage on bases owned it's hard to change the flow of things because once the chopper is back up people will need to focus on taking it out.

True you can cap bases if both choppers are up, but it's hard if the randoms are being incompetent or if the opposing team knows what they're doing and doesn't spawn camp until they control all bases. Also don't forget that the opposing team will also have infantry spawn camping besides the chopper so things get much more complicated.

Make the chopper spawn take five minutes and I'll be happier.

And yes Medic Legions and LOLABAN-94 spammers make infantry maps frustrating. The latter is more rage inducing. I haven't found explosives to be that much of an issue for infantry maps though.

I also do agree that engineers are less favored in Infantry maps. Their silenced guns and rockets are probably the only incentive for choosing them at those maps.

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