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Horrible team, worse enemy team

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The last few nights have been really "blah" for me in BC2, but I decided to fire it up and play with some randoms this morning. It was going absolutely horrible until I came across this game on Atacama rush... Talk about carrying your team!

Horrible team, worse enemy team IMG_20101025_135119

Horrible team, worse enemy team IMG_20101025_135110

Is it just me or are randoms getting worse and worse?



But is it like that every game? Also, your camera or screen must be nice. Its so clear. My screen sometimes has green or purple tint stuck in the bottom two corners as well. So sometimes I have to pick up my TV and set it down again then replug it in.



Holy buhjesus. That's all I can think to say about that.



Yeah, that's pretty much all my games now. It's even better when playing with SeC'ers, although I usually can't horde all the kills to myself.

Also, it sounds like someone had some fun with magnets around your TV. D: Maybe it's time to invest in HD? It makes a huuuge difference, especially in FPS games with long range combat.



It would be nice to actually see. I don't have enough money anymore. I have about $100 left in the bank. I guess I might have more of a chance in BF if I actually could see people that weren't spotted from a distance easier. Doesn't matter anyways, all I really play is Fallout now anyways.

I don't think it's magnets, because I can move it into different rooms, and the same thing happens, no matter where I put it. The TV is from the late 80's/early 90's; it even only has one audio plug in.



If that TV has been around magnets the damage is pretty much permanent, but yeah if it's that old it could just be on it's last leg. Time to put 'er down.



Damn. :/

Well, it's not always like that, only sometimes. If I unplug it, and pick it back up, then set it down, and plug it back in, it'll clear up sometimes. Still, it's really blurry compared to a lot of TVs.



Yeah, my father has this old TV from the early 80's and the picture has gotten really blurry over all this time. The audio is really messed up on it too, speech tends to be really quiet while the background music drowns the rest out. It's really weird.



If it were a monitor I would degauss it, but as its a TV...

Magnets cause permanent damage, from altering the colors to warping the screen.

You could get a cheap, non-HD TV if you can't correct the problem.

On-topic: People are buying the UE. Back before it came out, pretty much everyone was Warrant Officer or higher. Now comes the influx of privates and even that no ranker on your team.

I miss the joy of unlocking items...



Yeah, I don't have the money for that even though. Sad Well, I guess it's a project I should think about. At least I don't have to worry about audio, because I have headphones now.

On topic: I was wondering why there were so many complaints about new players from a lot of people lately. I guess that would be it.



They must learn the ways of the Battlefield. We only complain because we learned first and mastered our skills.



Those guys are lucky little shits either way; the ones that bought BC2 later. They didn't have to put up with the lag, or all the underpowered starter weapons (minus the M24), and how OP the M60 and M16 used to be.



True... but I know if I got rocked like that (I got over 4 nemesis pins that round) I'd probably just say fuck it and quit.




And the PKM isn't ABSOLUTELY horrible.

And I'm pretty sure they either were just getting used to it, or they saw your score of "carrying the team" and say,"Well no shit I lost." You know when one player's effort outmatches pretty much everyone else.

On top of that, I just noticed you got 10000+ award score.



The funniest games you can play in battlefield is when 2 teams full of retarded monkeys are fighting each other and you just wipe the floor with them all.
Very Happy



Trust me, going 42-3 in CoD and losing is rage inducing, much like playing with retarded monkeys on BC2.



I like the way you played every class!

DrBob it does sound like your TV has a gauss issue, but it's so old it wouldn't be worth repairing.

Also, I don't think the starter weapons suck. The AEK is my favorite AR, The 9a-91 is really good. The M24 is good. I haven't played as a medic in probably 4 months so I can't say about any of the Lmg's. scratch



The AEK used to suck, it's really good now.



The PKM is amazing and I am going to start using the AEK after the F2000.



Do you like the F2000 or hate it?



I got a 22' widescreen LCD monitor for about $220 from Target, and then grabbed the VGA cable for the 360. I use that and play at my desk in glorious HD. If your computer monitor has a VGA input, just go grab you a cable. Now, as for sound, the VGA cable comes with a combiner that joins the red and white cables into one jack. You can then get a headphone splitter and plug the combined audio into one end, and your headphones into the other. HD glory on the cheap.



Metalzoic wrote:Do you like the F2000 or hate it?
It is a love/hate relationship.



T-800 wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:Do you like the F2000 or hate it?
It is a love/hate relationship.

The F2000 tears people apart in close range. Slap the 40mm shotgun on it with the REX as your sidearm and you are a CQC god.



The F2000 has the worst TTK of all the ARs, though. Mad



So it's like what, .0003 seconds instead of .0001? Shoot first! Aim for the head!



ante87 wrote:
T-800 wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:Do you like the F2000 or hate it?
It is a love/hate relationship.

The F2000 tears people apart in close range. Slap the 40mm shotgun on it with the REX as your sidearm and you are a CQC god.
My spas makes me a CQC god lol.



The damn thing is a LASER!

A weak laser......But a LAZERZ none the less.

I uses the 40mm Shotgun on it. Helps finish those who survive my face obliterating barrage to the face for some reason.....(lag)

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I'm with tom. Anyone who comes within a 20 foot radius of me and my NS2000 is a dead man. Twisted Evil



T-800 wrote:
ante87 wrote:
T-800 wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:Do you like the F2000 or hate it?
It is a love/hate relationship.

The F2000 tears people apart in close range. Slap the 40mm shotgun on it with the REX as your sidearm and you are a CQC god.
My spas makes me a CQC god lol.

My 40mm shotgun works just as well when I'm rounding corners. Wink



ante87 wrote:
T-800 wrote:
ante87 wrote:
T-800 wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:Do you like the F2000 or hate it?
It is a love/hate relationship.

The F2000 tears people apart in close range. Slap the 40mm shotgun on it with the REX as your sidearm and you are a CQC god.
My spas makes me a CQC god lol.

My 40mm shotgun works just as well when I'm rounding corners. Wink
*Pumps shotgun*

You really want to do this?



T-800 wrote:
ante87 wrote:
T-800 wrote:
ante87 wrote:
T-800 wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:Do you like the F2000 or hate it?
It is a love/hate relationship.

The F2000 tears people apart in close range. Slap the 40mm shotgun on it with the REX as your sidearm and you are a CQC god.
My spas makes me a CQC god lol.

My 40mm shotgun works just as well when I'm rounding corners. Wink
*Pumps shotgun*

You really want to do this?

Shotgun Vs shotgun usually ends with both parties in a bloody mess on the floor... but sure! Yay violence!



Both People: At least the other guys is deadz too! Smile X_X



Further chronicling my adventures with randoms, I got this score today. Could be my best? I don't know, but WE STILL LOST. wat...

Horrible team, worse enemy team IMG_20101102_172903

Horrible team, worse enemy team IMG_20101102_172913

This match did manage to rekindle my love for the M14...


ante87 wrote:
This match did manage to rekindle my love for the M14...

The M14 is godly. I don't know why so many people dislike it.



you only had like 20 kills with it though Sad

I usually pull scores in that ballpark playing assault or spamming the CG. occasionally with shotguns.



Oh, sorry. I'm just an average player and get excited when I have a good game like that.



You are such a bk randy Ante.



What map was that on?



blackholedreams wrote:What map was that on?

Whoops, forgot to mention that. It was Valparaiso rush, attacking. We got all the way to the last base and had A down to a sliver of health. I tried to rocket snipe it but it's really hard to get a shot at it without exposing yourself.

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