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What happened to Xbox Live?

3 posters

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1What happened to Xbox Live? Empty What happened to Xbox Live? 2010-10-28, 13:44



Well, after getting a little annoyed at FO NV I went to the dashboard and got an error or something about content is not going to be shown but I can still talk to friends/play games. Does anyone know what happened? D:



Just reboot your 360; I've had that happen sometimes.



I've had that happen twice in the last couple months.

IDK what it was either?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah it happened to me last night. It also took 20 minutes to get y profile online cause they suspended my account cause the credit card I bought LIVE with a while back was stolen, so I canceled it. So they suspended me last night cause they couldn't charge me, despite my LIVE running out this Saturday.

I have been trying to cancel that damn auto renewal for a while now, guess it finally worked lol/

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