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Lol! Kinda funny you forget something, then something reminds you of it.

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I'm sitting here, getting ready to eat a piece of bread. I picked it up, and held it my mouth for a second, to move a cup and my controller, then put it back on the plate, and when I look at it, I just burst out laughing, because I see how bad my upper teeth are. The closest ASCII look I can make of it, is this:

/// \\\

/// //// \\\\ \\\
/// \\\
/// \\\

The two middle ones represent my front teeth, and they are angled about half of the slashes, but it's still really bad. Though a little exaggerated, the top two slashes are representing where my inscisors are; they sit way in front of my other teeth. It looks like a caveman took a bite on the food. xD

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