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[FONV] Companion dismiss / retain glitch

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Wow, I create a lot of topics today.

My GOSH! I spent good hour trying to figure out what the fuck happened to my companions since they simply disappeared. Never gave them a wait order or anything but I realized that I had no follower at a certain point and had to go looking for them.

Ed-E was glitched to be in Wait mode in the Lucky 38, Gannon turns up in Lucky 38 without wait mode after 40 minutes, and Boone took his sweet ass time getting back (or is it glitched?) to Lucky 39 for an hour to get Gannon to be switched to Boone.

I love the game, but glitches are a little annoying.

BTW, do companions take in-game hours/days to get back to home/lucky 38??


When you dismiss them they usually walk away so there may be some travel time involved.



Maybe, though they seemed to be at the place almost immediately, when I dismissed them last time, and I just went to their starting spot to get them back (was recruiting a new member).


Ahh ok. The times I dismiss my companions they usually head off in a direction for a bit. Maybe they warp once they get a certain distance.

I'm going to follow one of them next time I do it and see what happens.



IIRC, they actually really travel to the place you send them. If you fast travel, the game moves ahead in time, allowing them to already be there. I want to say in Fallout 3 it was possible for a companion to die (although unlikely) while traveling if you sent them away. All NPCs actually traverse the world for real. In Fallout 3 the traveling caravans could definitely die if they ran into deathclaws or the enclave and I'd always upgrade their armor and weapons to ensure they wouldn't die in the later game. So, companions can sometimes "glitch" out and get separated from you if they get stuck on terrain or something like that.

If they get lost and won't show up, apparently you can do the following:
"Go to Vault 22 and use the central elevator (which you may need to repair at a skill level of 50). Choose to go to Level 5 - Pest Control. Your missing Companion(s) will be waiting there at the exit of the elevator. You will need to use the Companion wheel to tell them to follow you again as they will be in "Wait Here" mode. It appears that the game does some sort of companion check when using this elevator, and will move your companions here regardless of their status. Credit to Evolus05 on the Gamespot forums at this thread for the fix." -From the Vault. I'd also suggest reading this page:


Nice find blackholedreams.

I hope I don't ever have to do that cause I don't like Vault 22 after spending time there.



Again, IIRC, I believe after a certain amount of time companions who are lost will return to their default waiting place. So maybe sleep a couple of days if it happens again.

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