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Just got a nice deal on

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1Just got a nice deal on Empty Just got a nice deal on 2010-11-06, 09:55



Black Ops, £64 for Black Ops and Castlevania LoS. Plus 1 business day shipping to my house Very Happy

So I should have it by Tuesday or if its like preorder and the one day shipping I should get it monday (I doubt xD).

Should get to play with you guys then hopefully on release date so we are on even footing >:3

2Just got a nice deal on Empty Re: Just got a nice deal on 2010-11-06, 13:01



I got black ops for $50 with a $20 credit and free release day delivery.

Bet you can't beat that.

3Just got a nice deal on Empty Re: Just got a nice deal on 2010-11-06, 13:55

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I got mine for free on the back of the truck



4Just got a nice deal on Empty Re: Just got a nice deal on 2010-11-06, 13:58



I had nothing to do with a missing copy.



5Just got a nice deal on Empty Re: Just got a nice deal on 2010-11-06, 14:00



T-800 wrote:I got black ops for $50 with a $20 credit and free release day delivery.

Bet you can't beat that.
Lol, we got that if we went into the store. I'm too lazy to do that D:
Plus we have about £30 credit left.
And Black Ops = £24 the rest is for LoS

6Just got a nice deal on Empty Re: Just got a nice deal on 2010-11-06, 14:56



Mama Luigi wrote:
T-800 wrote:I got black ops for $50 with a $20 credit and free release day delivery.

Bet you can't beat that.
Lol, we got that if we went into the store. I'm too lazy to do that D:
Plus we have about £30 credit left.
And Black Ops = £24 the rest is for LoS
So I got the better deal then lol and I did not go to the store. Wait did you trade in games for that?

7Just got a nice deal on Empty Re: Just got a nice deal on 2010-11-06, 15:00



Doesn't really matter, as long as you get the game at the end really. I'd pay $100 for the damn game if I really felt like it. I'm good with money, and I know when to save it, but I guess you could say that I really don't care kinda thing, as long as I do have it, lol.

8Just got a nice deal on Empty Re: Just got a nice deal on 2010-11-06, 15:12



Same here. I never shop for deals. Hell, I won't even cross the street to save $20. More than $20 and I probably would though.

I'm getting BO for free because DrBob is buying it for me.

9Just got a nice deal on Empty Re: Just got a nice deal on 2010-11-06, 15:15



I'll buy it for the cost of YOUR SOUL! BWAHAHAHA!


10Just got a nice deal on Empty Re: Just got a nice deal on 2010-11-06, 15:28



Where do I mail it?

11Just got a nice deal on Empty Re: Just got a nice deal on 2010-11-06, 15:34



Hmmm...that's a good question. Lol.

12Just got a nice deal on Empty Re: Just got a nice deal on 2010-11-06, 15:36



To the fox-hole~



13Just got a nice deal on Empty Re: Just got a nice deal on 2010-11-06, 15:46


Same long as I get LoS too, i'm not bothered. I think I kinda messed up my sentence structure there but oh well. Now I find out my friend goes and orders it too (1-5 days phew.) Because he wants to play even though I made a promise i'm either by myself or with trusted people from BC2 or none ******s because I want to get a good start and not look bad at the game fbecause I screwed around/over in the past.

14Just got a nice deal on Empty Re: Just got a nice deal on 2010-11-06, 15:48



StormEye wrote:To the fox-hole~



You mean burrow? xD

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