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Just popped BC1 back in for a while

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It's still awesome. Just a few things that stood out while I was playing

-Look speed is a lot faster and smoother
-No spotting! I had to get used to that...
-Travel time for guns is like twice that of BC2
-Headshot hit box is 3 times smaller at least that BC2.
-There's way more of that "fog of war" kinda thing when you aim with a sniper scope. Can barely see anything from far away.
-SOUND. Sound is 100 times better in BC1, I can't even explain it.
-You cock all the guns, and the animation for the M416 is completely different.
-There's the spas-15, that gun they took out of BC2 for whatever reason.
-No kill cam! That combined with no spotting makes sniping so much better, and thanks to the fact that it's near impossible, there's not as many bush wookies!
-Film grain effect



Damn, you make me want to pick this back up.



Does anyone play the MP on BC1?



I did a lot before BC2 came out. It was great.



I never played it. Got the demo but never got around to getting the game.

brother mouzon

I always liked the film grain. I'll never understand why people hate it so much.

Good rundown. That list was a trip down memory lane. I love BC1. I used to play so much Rush on that.



There's still full games online. The one I joined was full, and you guys may be happy to know that I would've gotten the Ace Pin if it existed. Apparently BC2 skill translates to BC1.

I haven't played it in a long time because I lent it to my friend, who offered to buy it for 20$ and never played it again. I think he broke it.

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