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Halo Reach live action trailer

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1Halo Reach live action trailer Empty Halo Reach live action trailer 2010-08-27, 10:11



I'm even more stoked to play this game the more i see. I'm not a halo fanatic but i've played all the games including halo wars. I must say these trailers they put out definitely cut the mustard.

The latest trailer has that music that just gives the feeling of battle such emotion. Kind of like the gears trailers!

Anyone besides me in the least bit excited to play this game?



I always enjoy a good Halo game, I don't get as excited as I use to though. They always end up being the same game, and multiplier was great, but the community makes what to commit mass murder. Halo Reach live action trailer Icon_twisted



I'm honestly gonna give this game the benefit of the doubt and try to like the multiplayer. Even though it One time will take endless amounts of ammo to kill some one and another minute only one shot.

I do like the fact that duel wielding is gone!
I don't like the new armor stuff that whole "I punched the ground and i'm invinciible for a few seconds crap. Although i see that being a deterant for people later on in the MP.

Being the last halo game that Bungie is doing i'm sure they put in alot of effort OR so i hope. There will be more halo games just done by 343 studios.

I'm in it for the coop! the multiplayer is a second seat. ANd like my moderated/bannishment topic in the halo boards weeks ago I'm ready to pwn the fanboys.

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