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Patch is almost here! With an added bonus!

Keyser Söze
Epyk MD
12 posters

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This patch is coming out TOMORROW!!!

Here is a complete list of all the fixes in this update:

- Acog and Red dot scope now equippable on MK-14 and G3.

- Fixed a bug on PC where the G3 would do less damage than intended.

- Reduced VADS push back and damage to balance it with the ZU23.

- Fixed a bug where Vehicle Countermeasures would fail to remove tracer darts at high speed.

- Reduced the reload time for Vehicle Countermeasures.

- Slightly increased the AT4's damage vs armor to emphasize its anti vehicle role while keeping it balanced vs armor.

- Increased the AT4’s top speed and acceleration so users spend less time exposed when firing.

- Increased the AT4's splash damage so it competes with other AT weapons vs infantry. The AT4 still has the least splash damage of all AT weapons.

- Reduced the splash damage of the Carl Gustav to bring it in line with other explosive weapons. The Carl Gustav still has the most splash damage of all AT weapons.

- Increased the 1 shot kill range of the M95 body shot to counter its lower rate of fire.

- Fixed a bug with the SVU that gave it better close range damage than other semi auto weapons.

- Reduced all weapon damage to the MCOM by 50%.

- Fixed a C4 vs MCOM exploit on Atacama Desert.

- Fixed a bug with FOV when aiming the M1911.

- Lowered the close range damage of the AN94 to highlight its long range role.

- Increased the accuracy of the F2000 on the move to highlight its role as a mobile AR.

- Increased the close range damage of the shotguns to give them a greater advantage vs slugs.

- Slightly lowered the damage of the M60 to balance its accuracy advantage vs other LMGs.

- Slightly lowered the damage of the MG3 at close range to balance it with other high rate of fire weapons.

- Slightly increased the damage of the UH6


EDIT: Apparently the 360 is lagging behind PS3 and won't get the patch until later? wtf?

Also, source =

Last edited by ante87 on 2010-11-23, 16:55; edited 1 time in total

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

nice, i was doing some damage today with the G3, until some guy matrixed a whole clip



The M14 will be even more brutal now! MUHAHAHAHA!
I read on the EA forum that we'd get the patch next Thursday.



This is great news.



I can not wait to get back into battlefield once this patch and map pack 7 come out.



I read the first one and jizzed my pants. I'm gonna have to go clean up then I'll check up on the rest of the changes later.



hooooooooooooooooly shat

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

What about the new map pack though?



Okay, so they're fixing V-Smoke, and then lowering the reload speed? What the fuck?

If anything they should make it take 30 seconds to reload. Cool, the tracer is going to be fucking pointless unless you can tag a helicopter twice in 15 seconds. neat.

Also they should have never said that they were against the idea of adding optics to the M14/G3 for the sake of balance as there's a bunch of dumbass kids protesting that on the grounds that it's going to ruin the game.

The rifles still aren't good. The G3 is still terrible. Optics aren't everything, they don't improve a gun, go back to Call of Duty.

Assault weapons are still going to be better. But these guns are just going to be whined about for no reason like slugs because people suck and are casual dumbasses with no understanding of the game.

VADS nerf is unsatisfactory too, because it isn't doing anything. Also this leads me to believe that they'd throw in Map Pack 7 with the patch so they wouldn't have to re-write the source code twice.

unless they'd like to re-write the source code twice, in which case it might come later.



vads nerf not doing anything?



22.5 damage down to 20

It still takes 5 hits to kill Infantry, 25 hits instead of 23 to kill a helicopter at full-health.

In case you didn't notice by now you can't even consider that a tone-down because the VADS spits out 33 rounds a second.

With lower push it's still going to be an instant-kill. That's not the issue with it. It's still 1,000 times better than the ZU23.



Thursday huh? Goody!



ante87 wrote:This patch is coming out TOMORROW!!!

Here is a complete list of all the fixes in this update:

- Acog and Red dot scope now equippable on MK-14 and G3.

I feel like dancing!



Wait a minute. There are several fixes missing in this patch. Hit box fix etc...
Damn. Where's the original patch notes?



Stay Puft Marshmallow Man wrote:Wait a minute. There are several fixes missing in this patch. Hit box fix etc...
Damn. Where's the original patch notes?
Because they are not in the patch Sad



I forgot why I loved DICE and BF so much. I'm going to have to check everything out tomorrow once the patch is released...

and I'm going to die. HARD. REPEATEDLY.
Because I'm used to CoD controls.



These fixes seem to be MIA

- All Weapons Bronze Insignia requiring an unobtainable bronze star for the tracer dart – requirement removed.

- Improved Hit registration made through several fixes and some of the hitboxes themselves have been changed. This will increase the accuracy of guns.

- The 2 second immunity when spawning/being revived will now be immediately removed either by firing, zooming, or any movement (move, crouch, jump). A Spawning Player can still orient passively in the Game World..

- 3D vision fixed.

- Reduced slug shotgun hip accuracy to require zooming for consistent long range accuracy. Hip accuracy is now on par with the semi automatic weapons.

- Fixed a bug with the SVU that gave it better close range damage than other semi auto weapons.



The Cramtron wrote:I forgot why I loved DICE and BF so much. I'm going to have to check everything out tomorrow once the patch is released...

and I'm going to die. HARD. REPEATEDLY.
Because I'm used to CoD controls.

Next week for the 360. And I agree, switching from CoD to BC2 means I'll be dying a lot too.



Bout time the M-14 gets that ACOG. Now I can use the gun how the Gun is used.....but better!

People still won't know how to shoot the G3 no matter what is glued to it.



I would try this tomorrow, but I'm likely to be in town. I'm very happy to see optics finally being chooseable to for the M14/G3 users, because it wasn't exactly fair that they couldn't use them, for bullshit reasons.

The only thing I don't like seeing is the upgraded damage on the Blackhawk miniguns, considering they are just right, if not a little too powerful as is right now. Also, no hit detection fix? Sad

Oh well, one step at a time I guess. Nice to see they actually are trying to fix the game though. Smile



I don't understand why they thought optics on bad guns would be overpowered when they first 'balanced' the M60/AN94/M16A2.

Seriously, after that you'd think DICE would at least get some understanding of their own game. Looking forward to the attack helicopter buff, guess I'll go back to whoring them.



and I'll go back to gunning in them!


Fuuuuuu this means more people will be competing with me to be M14 master of the 360. Stupid Black Ops for distracting me, I have to get like 500 more to be in the top 10.


the is good ( i have a ps3) it makes the more fun and challenging, but there are wookies running with a m14 or g3 with 4X scope

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