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instituting groups

Keyser Söze
Epyk MD
9 posters

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1instituting groups Empty instituting groups 2010-08-28, 00:58

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Groups would be member modded, and created. I believe you can belong to more then one...

I like cheese,
team: jessica alba is sexy,
wheat vs white: the showdown.

Yay or nay?

2instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 00:59




3instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 01:30

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Think facebook groups, they're controlled by the member that creates it. But they really don't do anything except cosmetically link you to other members within the same group

4instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 01:33




Too bad that I do not have facebook to fully appreciate the value of this though.

5instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 01:48

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Like if big d made a groupies group then sent invites to his groupies, all it does is make "clicks" I guess you could say...or is greg made a music type group

6instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 01:50



I'm in.

Why didn't you make the topic as a poll?

EDIT: Just realized what Frost would do with it... LoL

7instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 06:24



Mama Luigi Grouip... wat?

That sounds pretty cool to have groups I guess, just how would we use them? Apart from having epic colored names

8instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 10:46

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

The fucking "F word" appreciation group

9instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 11:14



^ Fuck, I'm joining that one.

10instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 11:35

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Fuck yeah!

11instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 14:28



fuck yes! i cant wait to get all my fucking rage out. fucking a i hate ramndms. fuck they can go fuck their fuckban-94 in the grenade fuckhole.
fuck man

12instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 14:37

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

how bout the random haters instituting groups Icon_smile

13instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 14:37

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Too fucking much dude...

14instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 15:01



never to much fucking

15instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 15:02


Mr. Dr. Awesome wrote:Like if big d made a groupies group then sent invites to his groupies, all it does is make "clicks" I guess you could say...or is greg made a music type group


I'll never live this groupie thing down lol.

16instituting groups Empty Re: instituting groups 2010-08-28, 22:16



Umm what would i do with it Storm?

Also Epyk Accept my Friend Request on here its so funny opening your PRofile to Read

Epyk Has no Friends

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