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I love my job!

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1I love my job! Empty I love my job! 2010-12-03, 11:07


The people in my department are amazing and I love them all.

I was out yesterday so today I've had about 20 people come into my office cause they were looking for me yesterday lol.

2I love my job! Empty Re: I love my job! 2010-12-03, 11:09



HAHA Nice! I was poking around yesterday as well. I was like... Where the hell is D at!!!!

Good to have ya back my brotha!

3I love my job! Empty Re: I love my job! 2010-12-03, 11:10


Nice to be back my man. I was lurking yesterday from my phone so I was around, just not posting as much.

I do the same thing with my work email.

I call it RnR.

Readin not respondin.

4I love my job! Empty Re: I love my job! 2010-12-03, 11:25



I would love to love my job.... IF it's busy i like my job! i can't stand sitting around.... GET IT... sorry.... anyway. you get to work in the videogame industry i can't imagine that jobs horrible....

Try selling flooring in a mom and pop lumber yard! WOO HOO this is awesome.....not.

5I love my job! Empty Re: I love my job! 2010-12-03, 11:26


Trust me there is a darkside to working in the industry. Notice how I said I love the people in my department.

Outside of my group it's a mixed bag and there isn't an asshole shortage that's for sure.

6I love my job! Empty Re: I love my job! 2010-12-03, 11:30



Yup i know all about assholes! when you work retail and you handle someones money they instantly turn into. "i'm gonna treat you like your a dog, and not a human". And i can't say anything! OR i'll get fired!

I swear someones gonna get it one day... not in the physical beating type way but a severe verbal fucking and then i'll quit.


7I love my job! Empty Re: I love my job! 2010-12-03, 13:41


We should be allowed one day a year to say what we please to co-workers (or customers) without fear of termination.

8I love my job! Empty Re: I love my job! 2010-12-03, 14:02



Call it a "fug em day".

If you don't like what their saying or how their treating you "fug em".

9I love my job! Empty Re: I love my job! 2010-12-03, 14:04



I am kinda that way anyway! HAHA Gets me in a trouble sometimes though!

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