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So Im gonna keep this game for SP

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But I dont think Ill play the MP with any regularity anymore. For many, many reasons. Plus I greatly prefer BF, and am loving the new maps, plus Vietnam comes out soon.

I LOVE the single player in Black Ops. My second favorite of the series. And I will beat this one on Veteran as well. Eventually...Plus Ill stop hop on to play the random game of zombies with everyone! How are you guys feeling about this games MP after its really had a chance to sink in?



Well, since I pretty much started XBL playing CoD games, I have always liked the MP, despite the couple of annoyences. And seeing as there is really one thing that barely makes me angry(stupid spawns, which they are trying to improve) I probably won't rage quit the game like I did WaW and MW2.



The more I play this one, the more I like it, the more I want to play it. There's a lot I really like about it. It's my favorite CoD game by far. Lots of fun.

I seem to be getting better and my Kdr just keeps climbing ( I won several games with a 5-7 kd games last night!). It feels really balanced to me already, but I like that it's already had several patches (and another coming next week) within the 1st month.

I love BC2 also. It's just really hard for me to switch between the 2 without sucking though...

I haven't even started the SP yet, but then I haven't played the SP for BC2 yet either.




Metal, why did you not except my invite yesterday?



I still prefer BC2 over any COD game...

I started my video game FPS career on Battlefield games in 1999. then started the COD franchise.

I like how this plays better than MW2 and i'm not constantly RAGING at KS's. I however can't stand the completely random spawning but when they fix that i'll be content. Again however i'm a BC2 kinda guy...... *salivates at the idea of what BC3 will be like!



I think it's much better than BC2; some issues have already been fixed, I don't have hit detection issues every 2 seconds, I am not killed by super OP weapon constantly, I am not constantly raped by killstreaks/vehicles, I can turn more than 2 miles an hour, and the framerate doesn't make my eyes want to melt. That being said, BC2 is still a good game, but I don't really like it. I liked BC1, and BF1943, but I absolutely despise BC2 now.



xsilentshooterx wrote:Metal, why did you not except my invite yesterday?

I did. I was in a TDM game with you and then we went into another TDM game (I was doing horrible) and when I checked the scoreboard saw that you had left.

Derpp. This next patch has more spawn fixes included in it.



i invited you again cause i got kicked and you never joined Sad



xsilentshooterx with tears cascading onto his keyboard wrote:i invited you again cause i got kicked and you never joined Sad

I guess I didn't see the other invite. I did so bad that game of TDM I wasn't about to play it again. TDM is my worst/least favorite gametype.



Yeah i saw that the other day Metal, and heard it from a work buddy who is an avid BO player.



im not a big TDM player, i only do it when im alone, or im fed up with grenade spams in objective games



The class I started using yesterday for Demolition/Domination etc... is all kinds of hilarious awesomeness.

Stoner w/extended mag
China Lake
Frag grenades
Flashbang/concussion/nova gas (changes depending on challenge)
Flak Jacket
Hardened pro
Tactical mask

Just stay at the objective and let them bombard you with explosives. Lay down and with Hardened Pro you can kills them by shooting through you're own cover. I love it!



BRAVO on keeping my color code going for your classes in a different thread metal!!

I'm a big fan of domination and CTF.

I tend to lean to using

All around Defender class

m60 w/grip
flash bang
Scav pro
SoH pro



Domination/War have always been my favourite game types.

Also, good taste Derp, the M60 with Grip is probably one of my favourite weapons. Smile



I still love the AUG.




ak74u attachment:doesnt matter
2nd:doesnt matter

perk2:slegth of hand or steady aim
perk 3: doesnt matter

win fail



super op weapons in bc2? You mean vehicles? Which the series is founded on.



Symbolic47 wrote:super op weapons in bc2? You mean vehicles? Which the series is founded on.

No, not the vehicles, the Abakan and the M60 for a long time, the M16, the M416, the MG3, the slugged shotguns, semi autos with buckshot now. Most classes only have one or two weapons worth using at all, in the scheme of things.

The AK-74 isn't that bad, because it's beat out by LMG's and Assault Rifle as at medium to long range. It's easy to use, but not that OP. If you want OP, go back to WaW, and see the MP40, or CoD4, and the M16/MP5.



DrBob276 wrote:
Symbolic47 wrote:super op weapons in bc2? You mean vehicles? Which the series is founded on.

No, not the vehicles, the Abakan and the M60 for a long time, the M16, the M416, the MG3, the slugged shotguns, semi autos with buckshot now. Most classes only have one or two weapons worth using at all, in the scheme of things.

The AK-74 isn't that bad, because it's beat out by LMG's and Assault Rifle as at medium to long range. It's easy to use, but not that OP. If you want OP, go back to WaW, and see the MP40, or CoD4, and the M16/MP5.

M16 is BC2 is op? And slugged shotguns arent op at all either.



I am going to keep it just because it is a good game.



hotdamnitssam wrote:
DrBob276 wrote:
Symbolic47 wrote:super op weapons in bc2? You mean vehicles? Which the series is founded on.

No, not the vehicles, the Abakan and the M60 for a long time, the M16, the M416, the MG3, the slugged shotguns, semi autos with buckshot now. Most classes only have one or two weapons worth using at all, in the scheme of things.

The AK-74 isn't that bad, because it's beat out by LMG's and Assault Rifle as at medium to long range. It's easy to use, but not that OP. If you want OP, go back to WaW, and see the MP40, or CoD4, and the M16/MP5.

M16 is BC2 is op? And slugged shotguns arent op at all either.

M16 has near perfect accuracy; if you aim for the head, you will hit, and you can kill somebody instantly by pulling the trigger twice in quick succession with little effort.

Slug shotguns are easy to use, kill instantly up close, and 2 shots no matter where you hit them at a distance, along with low bullet drop. It's ridiculous. When a weapon made for CQC can remove people from helicopters, that's OP.



Kitsune, you can't always call a gun OP because your accuracy claims are based off RDS/irons and never including 4x



According to that logic every gun in cod is op. Those are lazer bullets-point at head pull trigger and oerson is dead. Same logic.



Symbolic47 wrote:According to that logic every gun in cod is op. Those are lazer bullets-point at head pull trigger and oerson is dead. Same logic.

Guns in BO now have recoil, along with the fact that there is actual cover, and move ways to use manuevering to escape from bullets. In BF, cover is worthless, because it is either knee high, or somebody can destroy it. The M16 has almost NO recoil at all, shoots extremely fast, and gets infinite ammo; same goes for shotgun slugs for infinite ammo, except for the fact that they are even worse, because they can instant kill with a shot to the pinky toe up close. High accuracy on weapons in BF presents more of a problem in CoD, because it's far easier to see people, and from much greater distances. The only weapons that are balanced are: the F2000, the AUG, the AEK, the Bolt Actions, the XM8c, the T88s, the T88 LMG, the MG36, the XM8 LMG, pump shotguns with buckshot, the M1 Garand and that's about it. The rest are too accurate for how far you are allowed to shoot, through areas with no way to take cover. Also, the number one thing I don't understand about the weapons in BC2, are why the SMGs suck at CQC, but make excellent mini sniper rifles, better than even ARs with 4x are sometimes, for whatever reason. It just doesn't make any sense. Like in MW2, where sniper rifles were better than shotguns at close range sometimes or vise versa. It's just ridiculous. SMGs should be for up close, ARs as all-rounders, but not the best at anything, shotguns should be better than SMGs, but only if you're very close, sniper rifles are fine, and LMGs should be inaccurate when moving, and should be used to cover people. In BC2, LMGs are better than half of the ARs, making the medic more of a killing class than it's real role, some of the ARs are far too good at everything (kinda like a couple of the BO weapons, but worse), SMGs are secretly sniper rifles, with mediocre CQC capabilities, the VSS is more of an SMG, but is considered a sniper. Not to mention class imbalance. Medics/Engineers usually get Ace Pin, because assault gets paid jackshit for what they do, and the Recons only get lots of points when they're being worthless. Why don't they just impliment something that tells you who's the best player of each class, and they get Ace Pin for their class, or cut down the number of points they get? BC2 has lots of balance problems; that doesn't even include the technical problems wrong with the game, that STILL haven't been patched since release.

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