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Possibly a new SSX game!

3 posters

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1Possibly a new SSX game! Empty Possibly a new SSX game! 2010-12-08, 12:44



Being done by the Skate guys.

2Possibly a new SSX game! Empty Re: Possibly a new SSX game! 2010-12-08, 12:51



Last one I played was Blur for the wii, it was pretty fun. I hope they do something similar where the music is dynamic and changes depending on how well you're doing.

3Possibly a new SSX game! Empty Re: Possibly a new SSX game! 2010-12-08, 13:04


Read it as a new "SEX" game of course. But a new SSX game would be teh sex.

Not sure how i feel about Skate controls. Simple solution would be to offer an old school control scheme. option.

In any case color me intrigued.

4Possibly a new SSX game! Empty Re: Possibly a new SSX game! 2010-12-08, 13:09



I think the Skate controls are awesome but I don't think they'd work as good for a snowboarding game.

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