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your thoughts on this theme

3 posters

Good Idea?

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1your thoughts on this theme Empty your thoughts on this theme 2010-12-10, 10:13

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

the name Speakeasy Clinic and video gaming generally don't run in meadows hand in hand.

but i thought, mostly after an idea from sheep, about the SeC being the place you come to lick your wounds and relax after a hard day on the battlefield.

thus intragrading the Clinic and Speakeasy portions with our obsessions with FPS's... one in general.

so the theme would have a dark palette and graphically centered around images or icons resembling our love of battlefield.



Stay true to your roots, Epyk!

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i know i know, but its REALLY hard to create graphics around our premise..



We started as a Means to avoid the GFQ mods for our BC2 reasons!

I say we do as crams said stick to our roots...



I'm kind of indifferent to themes but this one is fine.
If you want a "place to heal" you could add to your own idea and do a field medical tent theme like MASH if your hurtin' for artistic ideas.
Good luck, Epyck

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