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 » The Lounge » Archives » onslaught


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1onslaught Empty onslaught 2010-12-12, 20:45

dead wra1th

anyone up for it i need to let off some steam anyone game

2onslaught Empty Re: onslaught 2010-12-12, 20:47



I'd play it, but I may have to leave in an hour and 20 minutes. Sad I don't know if that's enough time for more than 2 Onslaught matches (unless there are 4 people, I guess)

3onslaught Empty Re: onslaught 2010-12-12, 20:48

dead wra1th

idk im usualy pretty good at support

4onslaught Empty Re: onslaught 2010-12-12, 20:50



Well, I guess I could play. I haven't played BC2 for a while though. Either way, I'll play Onslaught, but I REALLY don't want to play MP, lol.

5onslaught Empty Re: onslaught 2010-12-12, 20:50

dead wra1th

alright well my gt is dead wra1th

6onslaught Empty Re: onslaught 2010-12-12, 20:51



Alright, I gotta set up my 360, then I'll be online.

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