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Infrared Scopes

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1Infrared Scopes Empty Infrared Scopes 2010-12-14, 23:27



Do you think this thing works with some guns better than it seems it would?

I dunno. I'm considering purchasing one for an LMG, just to see how it turns out.

I actually think that no matter what I attach it to, I'm going to do badly with it. I just said "fuck it" and bought that 20 IR/Scout kills contract, anyway. So far, so bad.

2Infrared Scopes Empty Re: Infrared Scopes 2010-12-14, 23:36



I had one game where I did good with it, on the M16 I think. I think I read somewhere (den kirson probably) that it actually increases center speed on the M16.

I've tried it a few other times on different guns and sucked with it every time though...

3Infrared Scopes Empty Re: Infrared Scopes 2010-12-14, 23:37



Yeah, I used it on the M16 and the PSG-1. I didn't really like it either time, but I can't think of any other weapon it might be useful on.

I might just suck it up and continue to use it on the M16.

4Infrared Scopes Empty Re: Infrared Scopes 2010-12-14, 23:41



It's decent with the M16/FAMAS. It's not good on anything else really.

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