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BC2's menu

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1BC2's menu Empty BC2's menu 2010-12-16, 17:27



I've been trying to figure out what was so wrong with it, for a while, then a few days ago, I realized, that it was this:

THERE'S NO REAL MUSIC! IT'S SO GODDAMN SERIOUS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! This only the BF game that I ever felt serious about and annoyed while I played it. Just listen to the music of the other BC and the other BF's, you can tell that they're supposed to be fun games. Even Vietnam is going to have the Clearwater Revival famous song at the beginning, and goofy music playing everywhere. It's almost as if they knew the game wouldn't be as fun as the others from the start.

And it doesn't even have the great song they had for 1942/1943 playing on it, which was absolutely amazing.

2BC2's menu Empty Re: BC2's menu 2010-12-16, 17:29


I LOVED the BC1 menu music. So chill and mellow that it contrasted with the impending cluster**** I was about to load into lol.

3BC2's menu Empty Re: BC2's menu 2010-12-16, 17:30



I was disappointed with the soundtrack of BC2. BC1 had an amazing
soundtrack. I also loved how depending on what level in the campaign you
were on, the menu changed and different music played.

This is my favorite one:

4BC2's menu Empty Re: BC2's menu 2010-12-16, 17:32


Higurashi wrote:I was disappointed with the soundtrack of BC2. BC1 had an amazing
soundtrack. I also loved how depending on what level in the campaign you
were on, the menu changed and different music played.

This is my favorite one:

That's pretty cool. I didn't even play a second of SP on the BC1 so I never knew that.

I loved the music in that clip though.

5BC2's menu Empty Re: BC2's menu 2010-12-16, 17:38



This makes me want to play BC1 again; I never got to finish it before my 360 ate the disc I rented; so glad I paid the quarter of insurance on it. :/

6BC2's menu Empty Re: BC2's menu 2010-12-16, 17:40


DrBob276 wrote:This makes me want to play BC1 again; I never got to finish it before my 360 ate the disc I rented; so glad I paid the quarter of insurance on it. :/

Dude, you have to make sure you feed your 360. Poor thing was hungry Razz

7BC2's menu Empty Re: BC2's menu 2010-12-16, 17:42



I forget to sometimes, lol. It's eaten 2-3 discs of mine total, damn thing. xD

8BC2's menu Empty Re: BC2's menu 2010-12-16, 18:21



D, you should play the SP of BC1. It was a lot of fun. Had some hilarious lines too.

9BC2's menu Empty Re: BC2's menu 2010-12-16, 18:42



1942/1943's themes were too fucking manly. I seriously grew a beard while connecting to a game once.

The BF2 themes are awesome, not manly as fuck but awesome.

the chinaman theme fucking sucks though.

10BC2's menu Empty Re: BC2's menu 2010-12-16, 18:54



While we are at it. Original Vietnam theme song.

I never really noticed BC2 songs......just lack of the manly Battlefield song thet put in all the trailers.

11BC2's menu Empty Re: BC2's menu 2010-12-16, 18:59



Can't forget this one from BC1:

12BC2's menu Empty Re: BC2's menu 2010-12-16, 19:00



Sounds like something from Firefly.....

13BC2's menu Empty Re: BC2's menu 2010-12-16, 20:04



TheGM wrote:While we are at it. Original Vietnam theme song.

I never really noticed BC2 songs......just lack of the manly Battlefield song thet put in all the trailers.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

14BC2's menu Empty Re: BC2's menu 2010-12-17, 00:38



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