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Chopper Whores: How do you do it?

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As in, how do you manage to get in the attack helicopters so often? I can't seem to ever get my hand on one.

Every time I think I'm coming close to getting in one some asshole from my team decides they'd rather blow it up.

I got in one for a minute but I got shot with a rocket by a teammate whom I was trying to land and pick up. And then there was one other time where I was already being attacked by the enemy apache so I didn't stand much of a chance.



Downloading the Game to your hard drive lets you spawn faster

Also i guess sometimes its just luck i mean usually unless theirs other Chopper whores on our team the Apache just sits there



Gah I don't have much space on my HD, I'm gonna have to delete some old DLC or something.

I'm guessing they are easier to get in conquest to? I always play rush, conquest always seems to be too empty for the size of the maps and I just get shot at from random directions.



No im pretty much Exclusive rush i think most Noobs have learned to stay the fuck out of what they cant use by now

Especially if theres 50's in the match

I dont know maybe my level gives me an Advantage of people seeing me and going hmmm hes a 50 he must be a Chopper God lets let him have it



Ah I've rarely had teammates that do anything like that, maybe when my level gets up there people will start being nicer. Really easy for me to get the tanks though, nobody seems to like those.



I dont know im a rusher at heart my most driven Vehicle is the ATV



I used to like using tanks back at release but I am more of a ground pounder. I like the freedom of being on foot.

Also I second the thought of downloading the game to your HD.



I dont know i lost my Faith in tanks after hitting people in the feet numerous times and seeing them walk off



I'm a rusher too but I feel like if I don't grab a tank then the enemy will. Usually does happen on those times I decide not to.

I'm usually pretty reckless with it after a few minutes though and just rush it into the enemy base. I've had great success in tank sniping but it is boring and makes me feel like an ass so I don't do it anymore.

And the light tanks gun does suck really bad... Heavy tank alternate fire kicks ass against infantry though.



Yeah too bad with the Optics on the M14 and G3 there are alot of Assaults running around with C4 these days

Makes driving a tank into the enemy base a chore



The only tank I still will use is on PT valdez rush. I will grab the minitank and race down the right to blow up the mcom building then cause havok with the folks in the construction bldg. THen if I can steal the Bradley I do like it still.



Frostbyrn wrote:Yeah too bad with the Optics on the M14 and G3 there are alot of Assaults running around with C4 these days

Makes driving a tank into the enemy base a chore

True, but by that time I kind of just want to die/continue on foot anyways. If I'm in a really serious game I would stay on the outside.



I dont know On PV i use the ATV to go down the left side and knife Wookies on their Construction site Very Happy

Zillah stole the Tactic from me which is why i stood in the middle of the Road with some c4 in front of me as a Wookie tempting him to roadkill me then Detonated it for the Lols Very Happy



OK so I deleted all my Fallout 3 saves(wish there was a way to delete all but one that wouldn't take 2 hours) and my ME2 DLC files so I could install this to the HD.

Hopefully that doesn't mess with my ME3 save import incase they wanted to bring Zaeed back or something.



Frostbyrn wrote:I dont know i lost my Faith in tanks after hitting people in the feet numerous times and seeing them walk off


and downloading lets you spawn in before your team by 4-10 seconds. i big difference, its also game insurance in case your 360 tips and shreds it.



1fnbighen wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:I dont know i lost my Faith in tanks after hitting people in the feet numerous times and seeing them walk off


and downloading lets you spawn in before your team by 4-10 seconds. i big difference, its also game insurance in case your 360 tips and shreds it.
Holy shit I didn't know it was that big of a difference, nice.

I did always feel like I was jumping in at the middle of the game when new rounds started.



I dont know i think Tanks need a Bigger Splash damage Radius maybe Equal to that of the Gustav i mean it is a Tank shell for Jesus christ



For the light tanks I agree, it seems like I could be shooting 20 shells directly into a group of 10 people and only one person would die.

Heavy tanks I think it might make them a bit OP though, I seem to get a kill whenever I shoot anywhere near anybody with that thing.



Really ive hit people right where their standing and then had them freak out and run off

Doesnt happen as often if i have warheads on but still



That'll happen to me every once and a while but in most cases it seems like if I aim in there general direction they are dead.

Unless I'm in the outside view of the tank. In that view nothing ever kills anybody ever no matter what.



Loading the map before everybody else comes in handy. However on every map except Atacama Desert as the Russians there's always a chance you'll spawn on the other end of the base from the helo...



Yeah i hate that Lead

Also it might be my Stupid 1 second NZ lag but i doubt it



By the time I spawn every vehicle is gone. It especially sucks because I got Onslaught for the sole purpose of practicing the helis. I am saved to my hard drive too.



Just make a Private Onslaught match to Practice



I have many times but it doesn't do me any good when I can't even get to a chopper in regular matches. I've only made it to one chopper in a regular game and didn't fly but a few hundred yards and someone blew it outta the sky.



Lol if you play with me its a Race of who can get in the Gunners and the last unlucky Person has to fly



Oh yeah, I'd rather be gunner but I always feel like an idiot standing nex to the chopper like a valet..."Your choppa, siiir?"



Just hop in and Press A lol may as well reserve the gunners Seat Very Happy

Mind you im a pretty Decent Pilot you just dont get as many kills being the pilot and you do alot more work for less reward

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