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I want to make a video..

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1I want to make a video.. Empty I want to make a video.. 2010-08-30, 20:48



But I don't know what I should do, I thought of either making a full match of me as a single class or a Defib Run with the Medic and sneak up on as many people as possible getting headshots because anything the defib hits is apparently a headshot..
OR showing what you have to do in order to be the best (Worst) Medic evah.

Any Suggestions? or any other ideas?


2I want to make a video.. Empty Re: I want to make a video.. 2010-08-30, 20:50



Anything; either awesome or funny. I wish I had the time I went on a killing spree on Isla with the knife and defib (got a combat excellence pin without using my SAW, xD)

3I want to make a video.. Empty Re: I want to make a video.. 2010-08-30, 20:52



I don't know how you'd make a bad medic vid...

Use M60 w/ mag ammo and 4x scope, and revive anyone who's down, even if it's not safe for your teammate or yourself?

I mean, that's pretty much the epitome of bad medic playing, but I wouldn't even want to make that video.

4I want to make a video.. Empty Re: I want to make a video.. 2010-08-30, 21:02



VomitingWalrus wrote:I don't know how you'd make a bad medic vid...

Use M60 w/ mag ammo and 4x scope, and revive anyone who's down, even if it's not safe for your teammate or yourself?

I mean, that's pretty much the epitome of bad medic playing, but I wouldn't even want to make that video.

To be honest neither would I want to make it.. Unless I got bored and decided to revive every single guy that gets killed, or just focus on one guy that keeps dying in the same spot to overly anger him/her. Because no one likes to have a stoopid medic on their team D:

5I want to make a video.. Empty Re: I want to make a video.. 2010-08-30, 21:07



I'm making a knife kill compilation type video; you could try something like that; that would be especially fun for you, considering that you seem to like to knife a lot, by the looks of it. Smile

6I want to make a video.. Empty Re: I want to make a video.. 2010-08-30, 21:12



DrBob276 wrote:I'm making a knife kill compilation type video; you could try something like that; that would be especially fun for you, considering that you seem to like to knife a lot, by the looks of it. Smile

I only like to knife when I noticed gold tags or a SeC member is in the game. I might do a Defib Compilation Vid though o.o Just because it's fun to run around with the Defib Unit and take out three people in a squad from behind.

7I want to make a video.. Empty Re: I want to make a video.. 2010-08-30, 21:20



Make a Dentistry Video Very Happy

8I want to make a video.. Empty Re: I want to make a video.. 2010-08-30, 21:24



Frostbyrn wrote:Make a Dentistry Video Very Happy

I'm british, what is dentistry? D:

Engineer epykness would be win and srsly? I look at the forum and see your name at the last post every forum again.

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