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If a girl says she doesn't know if she loves you...

Keyser Söze
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What does this mean? scratch

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Women, go figure, man..


I wouldn't call it a woman thing. Guys can have these types of feelings of also.

It means exactly what it sounds like and you should be glad she was honest enough to tell you that.



She's not sure that she actually loves you?


Hotdamnitssam wrote:She's not sure that she actually loves you?
beats me breh breh



Shes just confused give her some time she will figure it out eventually

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

There's a lot of possibilities, but it depends. I guess you two been going out for some time already?

Anyway, at the top of my head:

1.- Something happened that made her begin doubting but she won't say it outright. (I know, captain obvious)
2.- She may like some guy and is making up BS.
3.- She truthfully doesn't know, and it may be the case if she hasn't experienced it before. As in, first time she's trying to go out with someone or something like that.

But like I said, depends on the circumstances.

My ex actually said something very similar to me about 3 months ago. So I can understand what you may be feeling.

All in all, the best thing I can tell you is that you shouldn't worry about it. I know that it may be hard as hell, but let her discover by herself what she feels and wants. Just go on and do your business like usual.



Ars Diaboli wrote:There's a lot of possibilities, but it depends. I guess you two been going out for some time already?

Anyway, at the top of my head:

1.- Something happened that made her begin doubting but she won't say it outright. (I know, captain obvious)
2.- She may like some guy and is making up BS.
3.- She truthfully doesn't know, and it may be the case if she hasn't experienced it before. As in, first time she's trying to go out with someone or something like that.

But like I said, depends on the circumstances.

My ex actually said something very similar to me about 3 months ago. So I can understand what you may be feeling.

All in all, the best thing I can tell you is that you shouldn't worry about it. I know that it may be hard as hell, but let her discover by herself what she feels and wants. Just go on and do your business like usual.




I said this to my gf a few years back when we were thinking of getting back together. at the same time i was interested and dating another girl.

Most likely it's cause she may have another guy in her life, maybe not a boyfriend type but someone she's interested in. She may be weighing the options of both guys before she makes her decision of which she'd be happier with.

just my 02



Ars Diaboli wrote:There's a lot of possibilities, but it depends. I guess you two been going out for some time already?

Anyway, at the top of my head:

1.- Something happened that made her begin doubting but she won't say it outright. (I know, captain obvious)
2.- She may like some guy and is making up BS.
3.- She truthfully doesn't know, and it may be the case if she hasn't experienced it before. As in, first time she's trying to go out with someone or something like that.

But like I said, depends on the circumstances.

My ex actually said something very similar to me about 3 months ago. So I can understand what you may be feeling.

All in all, the best thing I can tell you is that you shouldn't worry about it. I know that it may be hard as hell, but let her discover by herself what she feels and wants. Just go on and do your business like usual.

This guy. Listen to this guy.

I'll just add that your young and likely she's young too. You have a lot more life yet to live and you shouldnt really worry about it. Fish and seas and such.

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